TIMELESS HYMNS - A regular feature in which I choose a previous hymn blog, revise it and post it again. This one was first posted in 2014 .
While writing this I was waiting for a friend who had told us that he would visit with us this morning. But it is now two hours past the time when he said he would stop by. I assume that he must have forgot. It happens.
Recently a friend promised to take care of making arrangements and securing something that I really needed for a program I had agreed to lead. Despite several reminders, he forgot to follow through until the last minute. And then, when he finally remembered to fulfill his promise to me, it was too late and he wasn't able to do it. That left me stuck at the last minute and forced me to change my plans. Even our best friends can forget their promises to us. It happens.
The older I get the more I am learning to write everything down. I need a calendar and I need "to do" lists, otherwise it is easy for me to forget. Sometimes forgetting can be caused by serious physical problems. I think dementia is a frightful thing and we have no control over it. It is heartbreaking to see loved ones no longer recognize their mates because of devastating mental changes.
But forgetting isn't just limited to older people. As a teacher for 39 years I often had students who forgot assignments or materials they needed for class. A college friend of mine forgot and left his mother several times when they went to church gatherings. It happens.
It can be bad and embarrassing when you forget something. And it can really hurt when somebody forgets you or forgets to do something they had promised to do for you. But this week's hymn choice reminds us of One who never forgets us - the Lord Jesus Christ. He has promised never to leave us or forsake us. And He never has. He continues to guide us and strengthen us and provide the wisdom that we need. And He has gone to prepare a special home for us and has promised to come back for us. He hasn't forgotten us.
I don't know what event may have stirred Charles H. Gabriel (1856 - 1932) to pen these words in 1889, but he was right on. The chorus reminds us "I will not forget thee or leave thee; In My hands I'll hold thee, in My arms I'll fold thee; I will not forget thee or leave thee; I am thy Redeemer, I will care for thee." What a tremendous reminder that we can depend upon our Redeemer who loves us and protects us and will never leave us or forget us.
Maybe you are lonely or discouraged right now. Meditate upon these words and realize that you are not forgotten. You may feel very insignificant, but you are loved and are valued by the Father. Reflect upon this truth and be encouraged this week
(1) Sweet is the promise "I will not forget thee,"
Nothing can molest or turn my soul away;
E'en though the night be dark within the valley,
Just beyond is shining an eternal day.
I will not forget thee or leave thee;
In My hands I'll hold thee, in My arms I'll fold thee;
I will not forget thee or leave thee;
I am thy Redeemer, I will care for thee.
(2) Trusting the promise "I will not forget thee,"
Onward I will go with songs of joy and love,
Though earth despise me, though my friends forsake me,
I shall be remembered in my home above.
I will not forget thee or leave thee;
In My hands I'll hold thee, in My arms I'll fold thee;
I will not forget thee or leave thee;
I am thy Redeemer, I will care for thee.
.(3) When at the golden portals I am standing,
All my tribulations, all my sorrows past;
How sweet to hear the blessed proclamation,
"Enter, faithful servant, welcome home at last."
I will not forget thee or leave thee;
In My hands I'll hold thee, in My arms I'll fold thee;
I will not forget thee or leave thee;
I am thy Redeemer, I will care for thee.