Welcome!  Hymns have been and continue to be a real source of inspiration to me.  My desire in this blog is to share special hymns with my readers hoping that the words will minister to them, especially in times of great personal need.  If one of these hymns ministers to you, please take time to leave a comment so that I know that my blog is helping others as much as it helps me. Sometimes I will also provide a link where you can go to hear the hymn played.  So, please join me here each week and sing along as we praise God together.

Sunday, August 25, 2019


        "In every thing give thanks: for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you." (1 Thessalonians 5:18)  This is a powerful and important command.  But let's be honest, how often do we obey and claim this truth, especially when difficult events unfold in our lives?  I must admit that I have often had trouble doing so when I have been hit with troubling situations.  Did I thank the Lord when my mother died in an auto accident?  Did I thank Him when my brother died of cancer?  Did I thank Him when my wife needed heart surgery?  Did I thank Him when my cancer grew worse?  I must admit that I probably didn't at the times those things happened.  But later on, as I grew in the Lord and learned more about the will of God in my life, I was able to thank Him for taking me through these trials and teaching me important lessons.  I am often reminded of Romans 8:28 where we are told that ALL things work together for good for God's children.  Dan Burgess must have learned similar lessons which led him to write the words of this week's worship song.  "I thank You Lord for the trials that come my way, in that way I can grow each day as I let You lead."  The Lord has promised never to let us go through trials that are too much for us to bear.  And He has promised never to leave us or forsake us.  He is the same God that was with the thee young men in the fiery furnace and with Daniel in the Den of Lions.  "But it goes against the way I am to put my human nature down and let the spirit take control of all I do, cause when those trials come my human nature shouts the things to do and God's soft prompting can be easily ignored."   And if you are like me, this is so often true.  But God has so much yet to teach us and going through these trials is one way to learn these vital lessons.  So we do need to  learn to thank Him for being with us and helping us to grow in Him as we experience these trials.  Lord, thank you for the trials that bring me closer to you.  Thank you for your presence in these times and for the guidance, strength, peace and comfort that you provide.

I thank You Lord
for the trials that come my way
in that way I can grow each day
as I let You lead
and I thank you Lord
for the patience those trials bring
in the process of growing
I can learn to care

But it goes against the way I am
to put my human nature down
and let the spirit
take control of all I do
cause when those trials come my
human nature shouts the things to do
and God's soft prompting
can be easily ignored

I thank you lord with
each trial I feel inside
that you're there to help lead
and guide me away from wrong
Cause you promised Lord
that with ev'ry testing
that your way of escaping
is easier to bear

But it goes against the way I am
to put my human nature down
and let the spirit
take control of all I do
cause when those trials come my
human nature shouts the things to do
and God's soft prompting
can be easily ignored

I thank you Lord for the
vict'ry that growing brings
in surrender of ev'rything
life is so worthwhile
and I thank you Lord that
when ev'rthing's put in place
out in front I can see your
face and it's there you belong

Listen to it here.      TRIALS
Dan Burgess had a special meeting with Cynthia Clawson and Brian Mann who discussed and performed this number.  You can listen to this special event here.   BURGESS


Unknown said...

I have hunted a lot to find the sheet music for this outstanding , OUTSTANDING song. I did listen to the You tube of the Cynthia and Dan Burgees talking about the song before she so beautifully sang it. very special ! I hope I will find the sheet music. I heard this song around 1976 when it was sung as part of the Cantada (? not sure that is the right word) The Apostle . It was performed by our youth group. the song stuck with me all these years and has often been an encouragement to me as I sang the parts i could still remember. I am so glad you chose this as one of your songs. It needs to be revived!

Janice D. Brown said...

I totally agree with the comment that Carolyn posted. I am preparing to be the speaker for June 6, 2022 to give to our church Sunday classes. I would love to sing this song, but I will be reading it. I have also listened to the song on You tube, and hearing Dan's comments. This song has filled my heart with joy, because my Lord helped me through many, many trials during my life. I have tried to purchase a copy of the sheet music to be sure I have prepared it perfectly, but have not been able get one. I also agree with Carolyn that it should shoud be share with the hole world again.

Janice D. Brown

May 9, 2022

Anonymous said...

I have the music sheet. Please email me at bettypham09@gmail.com. I'm the music that director of Vietnamese Faith Baptist Church in Dallas.

Anonymous said...

We have this song translated to Vietnamese and I have the music sheet . If you need it please email me at bettypham09@gmail.com. I am the music director of Vietnamese Faith Baptist Church in Dallas.

Anonymous said...

I have a copy of the sheet music if you need. donjank1@gmail.com

Anonymous said...

I have the sheet music if you want. Accompaniment on tape from Good Life Production.

Anonymous said...


Accompaniment is for verse 1 & 3

Unknown said...

Can someone send us the music sheet for this song please? Our church's email is sibbc.3@gmail.com Thank you so much and God bless!

Anonymous said...

I would love a copy of the sheet music! My email is laurenst1958@gmail.com.

Sara Kershaw said...

I, too, have been blessed over and over again by this song and message. It always brings tears. It is so difficult to go through trials when we don't expect them or know the reason why God is allowing them but I am always assured that they are necessary to draw us/me closer to my Savior. The Lord has not answered prayers knowing that what I wanted was not in my best interest. Realizing that, after the fact, I am so very grateful for His understanding and care which knows no bounds. I want Him to be out in front and guiding me at all times.

Anonymous said...

I learned to sing this song about 30 years ago and sung by a male vocalist. It had different lyrics. Why is this so?

Anonymous said...

May I please have a copy of the sheet music, and the accompaniment if you have it? Mnbherbilla@yahoo.com
Thank you.

Anonymous said...

I learned this song long ago. It seemed that my heart leaped when I heard it again recently. Now, I just want to cling to it with all that I've learned about God's grace and mercy.