TIMELESS HYMNS - A regular feature in which I choose a previous hymn blog, revise it and post it again. This one was first posted in 2014
At times I can't help but wonder if the topic of sin has become politically incorrect in many churches today. It doesn't seem to be a topic that is discussed or even sung about too often anymore. Maybe we have become too concerned about offending people or making them feel uncomfortable.
But sin is a central part of the gospel, the message of the church. All have sinned and come short of the glory of God. The wages of sin is death. And God showed His love for us in that while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us.
There is no other experience in life that is more important than accepting God's free gift of forgiveness for our sins, a gift which has been made possible only by the death of Jesus on the Cross. When that personal decision is made, our sins are forgiven. They are taken away and removed from us, as far as the east is from the west. And we are dressed in the righteousness of Christ. What a powerful and amazing transformation, from being dead in sin to being forgiven and dressed in His righteousness. And that experience should put a song of joy in our lives. Daily we should celebrate the assurance that He took our sins away.
And that realization must be what led Margaret Harris (1865-1919) to pen the words of this week's featured gospel song. Margaret was a member of the Iowa Holiness Association. She and her husband, songwriter John Harris, were active in holiness revivals and camp meetings. She played the organ to accompany the duets she sang with her husband. She is said to also have been an effective speaker.
The other familiar song that she wrote is I Will Praise Him. The words of this week's choice seem to be the personal testimony of her conversion experience. She came to Jesus bearing her load of sin. They made her weary, worn and sad. But Christ met her and took all her sins away, releasing her from the condemnation under which she had lived and giving her perfect peace.
Is this also your testimony? I certainly hope that you have met the Savior and accepted His free gift of salvation. If you have, then join me this week in testifying that He took your sins away. May that realization put a song in your heart each day.
(1) I came to Jesus, weary, worn, and sad.
He took my sins away, He took my sins away.
And now His love has made my heart so glad,
He took my sins away.
He took my sins away, He took my sins away,
And keeps me singing every day!
I'm so glad He took my sins away,
He took my sins away.
(2) The load of sin was more than I could bear.
He took my sins away, He took my sins away.
And now on Him I roll my ev'ry care,
He took my sins away.
He took my sins away, He took my sins away,
And keeps me singing every day!
I'm so glad He took my sins away,
He took my sins away.
(3) No condemnation have I in my heart,
He took my sins away, He took my sins away.
His perfect peace He did to me impart,
He took my sins away.
He took my sins away, He took my sins away,
And keeps me singing every day!
I'm so glad He took my sins away,
He took my sins away.
(4) If you will come to Jesus Christ today,
He'll take your sins away, He'll take your sins away,
And keep you happy in His love each day,
He'll take your sins away.
He took my sins away, He took my sins away,
And keeps me singing every day!
I'm so glad He took my sins away,
He took my sins away.
You can listen to it here. LISTEN