Sunday, December 26, 2021


          Without a doubt, life here can be very difficult and at times very discouraging  All around we see floods, fires, storms, earthquakes and threats to property and life.  Then we also see diseases, covid, cancer and accidents that threaten our health and our lives.  But now we also live with fear of terrorism, wars, political unrest, protests and changes in morality.  Life is hard.
          But in times like these we have hope.  Jesus has promised to come and take His children to a new and perfect home which is being prepared for us. He told us that He is preparing this home for us and that He would come again.  And that is the hope that enables believers to face each day and each new challenge.
          For centuries believers have anticipated the rapture and the return of Christ.  And as we look at events today we have to believe that this life will be over - soon - maybe even today.  Then we will take our heavenly journey and be home with the Lord and friends once again.
          And while we wait we can rest upon His promises for our future.  We can spend time in reading the Word and prayer.  And we can sing of this great day using the many hymns which encourage us and remind us of what is ahead.
         Eugene Monroe Bartlett (1885-1941) looked forward to his new life when he penned this week's hymn choice.  Bartlett first worked for the Central Music Company, a shape note music publisher in Hartford, Arkansas. In 1918, with David Moore and John A. McClung, he co-founded the Hartford Music Company in Hartford.[  He was the founder of the Hartford Music Institute in 1921 and he wrote many hymns.  In 1939 he suffered a stroke and afterwards wrote "Victory in Jesus."  Then in 1941 he realized the truth of this week's hymn when he experienced the "blessed morning" of which he wrote.
          Life here can be very difficult at times but know that a better day will soon be here for all believers.  Be encouraged as you sing this song this week.

1      Soon this life will all be over
And our pilgrimage will end,
Soon we'll take our heav'nly journey,
Be at home again with friends;
Heaven's gates are standing open,
Waiting for our entrance there,
Some sweet day we're going over,
All the beauties there to share.
Just a little while to stay here,
Just a little while to wait,
Just a little while to labor
In the path that's always straight,
Just a little more of troubles,
In this low and sinful state,
Then we'll enter Heaven's portals,
Sweeping through the pearly gates.

2      Soon we'll see the light of morning
Then the new day will begin,
Soon we'll hear the Father calling,
"Come my children enter in;"
Then we'll hear a choir of angels,
Singing out the vict'ry song,
All our troubles will be ended
And we'll live with heaven's throng. 
Just a little while to stay here,
Just a little while to wait,
Just a little while to labor
In the path that's always straight,
Just a little more of troubles,
In this low and sinful state,
Then we'll enter Heaven's portals,
Sweeping through the pearly gates.

3      Soon we'll meet again our loved ones
And we'll take them by the hand,
Soon we'll press them to our bosom
Over in the promised land;
Then we'll be at home forever,
Throughout all eternity,
What a blessed, blessed morning
That eternal morn will be! 
Just a little while to stay here,
Just a little while to wait,
Just a little while to labor
In the path that's always straight,
Just a little more of troubles,
In this low and sinful state,
Then we'll enter Heaven's portals,
Sweeping through the pearly gates.

Listen to it here.      SOON

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