Sunday, December 19, 2021


           Over many years choruses have been an integral part of Christian worship.  While today churches tend to favor new praise and worship choruses, many classic ones have been a blessing to believers for many decades.  This week's choice is such an example of one that many generations have sung.
           The words of this chorus were penned by Audrey Mieir (1916 - 1956),  one of the prolific writers of the last century. Her musical gift showed at an early age when she began singing and leading choral performances. In the 1950's she established the Harmony Chorus, and worked with musician-evangelist Phil Kerr. These efforts were followed by concerts throughout America in the 1960's. Mieir is also remembered as music director for Rex Humbard's television show Cathedral of Tomorrow, and for helping found orphanages in Korea.
            I would never have chosen this one as one related to Christmas but its origins were with Christmas and the birth of Jesus.  In fact, it was "a gift from heaven" said Mieir. It has become a treasured gift to millions of Christians worldwide. It was born in 1955 at Christmas while Mieir was at Bethel Union Church in Duarte, California, where her husband's brother, Dr. Luther Mieir was the pastor.
          The congregation was focused on the reenactment of the Nativity scene. The powerful prophecy of Isaiah 9:6 went down deep into Mieir's soul as she cherished those words: "For unto us a child is born, unto us a Son is given ... and His name shall be called Wonderful, Counselor, the Mighty God, the everlasting Father, the Prince of Peace."  When that familiar scripture was concluded, the pastor lifted his hands, closed his eyes and said, "His name is wonderful."
          According to Mrs. Mieir's, "I felt as if I heard the rustle of angel wings and a musical chorus came to my mind," she exclaimed. On the flyleaf of her Bible she quickly wrote the words that her brother in-law had just proclaimed, "His name is wonderful." After she wrote it three times, she added the sacred name of her Lord.
Jesus, my Lord.
In a few days she completed all of the music and a fuller description of who Jesus is:
He is the mighty King, 
Master of everything,
Jesus, my Lord.
He's the Great Shepherd,
The Rock of all Ages,
Almighty God is He.
The last line is a personal reflection on the One whose name is wonderful. We want to bow down, love and adore this wonderful Jesus.       
Bow down before Him, 
Love and adore Him,
Jesus, my Lord.
          Before Audrey Mieir died in 1996 at 80 years of age, some of her last words were: "His Name is Wonderful will outlive the chubby human hands chosen to write a few black notes on five lines and four spaces. But it will never outlive the Father who glories in His Son's name and who glories in our praise." 
His Name is Wonderful
His Name is Wonderful
His Name is Wonderful
Jesus My Lord 

He is the Mighty King
Master of everything
His Name is Wonderful
Jesus My Lord 

He's the Great shepherd
The Rock of All Ages
Almighty God is He 

Bow down before Him
Love and adore Him
His Name is Wonderful
Jesus My Lord

You can listen to it here.   WONDERFUL

His Name is Wonderful" Copyright 1959. Renewed 1987 by Manna Music, INC., 35255 Brooten Rd. Pacific City, Or. 97135

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