Sunday, June 30, 2019


        Eliza Edmunds Hewitt (1851-1920) was educated in the Philadelphia school system and graduated as valedictorian of the Girl's Normal School.  After graduation she became a teacher in the public schools of her city.   But then her life became filled with pain and misery when she was forced to bed with a painful spinal problem.  It is said to have been caused by a reckless student striking her with a piece of slate. Lying in bed, she could have been bitter, but instead she studied English literature and began to write, especially for the primary department of her church.  She wrote "There Is Sunshine in My Soul Today" after getting her body cast off and being allowed to walk again in the nearby park.  She wrote in thankfulness at the joy of being able to get about again.   Some of her lines came into the hands of Professor John R. Sweney who wrote to her asking for more. He set a few of her songs to music. and then he and William J. Kirkpatrick published her first hymns.  It is said that she wrote almost 200 hymns. Despite her health problems, she was deeply interested in Sunday school work, and served as superintendent of a Sunday school for the Northern Home for Friendless Children. This was followed by similar work in the Calvin Presbyterian Church where at one point she had a class of 200.  This week's hymn choice, written by Eliza, shares what happens when one experiences the fullness of God's love.  Our lives are completely changed and despite our limitations, God can use us to "spread abroad the story - other souls to win". That exuberant outpouring of the love of God, that new awareness that we are beloved by the Almighty, transforms our attitude toward Him, toward ourselves, and toward others as well. "If God so loved us, we also ought to love one another" (I John. 4:11).  And as a result, our desire should be to "live for Jesus only."  I trust that you are experiencing the fullness of His love daily.

1.    Once my way was dark and dreary,
For my heart was full of sin,
But the sky is bright and cheery,
Since the fullness of His love came in. 
I can never tell how much I love Him,
I can never tell His love for me,
For it passeth human measure,
Like a deep, unfathomed sea;
'Tis redeeming love in Christ my Savior,
In my soul the heav'nly joys begin;
And I live for Jesus only,
Since the fullness of His love came in. 

2.    There is grace for all the lowly,
Grace to keep the trusting soul:
Pow'r to cleanse and make me holy,
Jesus shall my yielded life control.
I can never tell how much I love Him,
I can never tell His love for me,
For it passeth human measure,
Like a deep, unfathomed sea;
'Tis redeeming love in Christ my Savior,
In my soul the heav'nly joys begin;
And I live for Jesus only,
Since the fullness of His love came in. 

3.    Let me spread abroad the story,
Other souls to Jesus win;
For the cross is now my glory,
Since the fullness of His love came in
I can never tell how much I love Him,
I can never tell His love for me,
For it passeth human measure,
Like a deep, unfathomed sea;
'Tis redeeming love in Christ my Savior,
In my soul the heav'nly joys begin;
And I live for Jesus only,
Since the fullness of His love came in. 

Listen to it here.  I hope that you enjoy this style!    FULLNESS

Sunday, June 23, 2019


         "Thanks be to God for his indescribable gift! "  (2 Corinthians 9:15)   How does one explain the gift of Jesus?   He's the Savior of the world, the Lamb of God, the Wonderful Counselor, the Everlasting Father, the Prince of Peace.  I am told that the Bible uses more than 300 names and titles to describe Him. But Jesus is more than can be contained in His names and titles.   Charles Spurgeon confessed, "I know my words cannot honor Him according to His merits. I wish they could.  Indeed, I grow less and less satisfied with my thoughts and language concerning Him.  He is too glorious for my feeble language to describe Him.  If I could speak with the tongues of men and of angels, I could not speak worthy of Him.  If I could borrow all the harmonies of heaven and enlist every harp and song of the glorified, yet were not the music sweet enough for His praises."   And to that I say "Amen"!  Over the years many hymn writers have attempted to find words to describe Him.  One of the most common attempts has been to use the word "Wonderful".  And yet even that description falls way short.  Lanny Wolfe, a more contemporary writer, penned his description as "More Than Wonderful". This powerful ballad is pure praise to the Lord as He is more than wonderful to us!  His love for us is beyond our comprehension. He is greater than anything we will ever know on this earth. That is a powerful truth.  This song has been recorded by several artists over the years, most notably by Larnelle Harris and Sandi Patty, whose performance earned writer Lanny Wolfe a Grammy Award.  I would encourage you to sing and claim these words throughout this week as you worship and praise the risen and soon coming King of Kings!  He is more than wonderful, more than miraculous, more than amazing, and more than anything this world could ever offer. This is what Jesus is to me!

1.     He promised us that He would be a counselor
A Mighty God and the Prince of Peace
He promised us that He would be a Father
And that He would love us with a love that would not cease
Well, I tried Him and I found His promises are true
He's everything He said that He would be
The finest words I know could not begin to tell
Just what Jesus really means to me

For He's more wonderful than my mind can conceive
He's more wonderful than my heart can believe
He goes beyond my highest hopes and fondest dreams
He's everything that my soul ever longed for
Everything He's promised and so much more
More than amazing, more than marvelous
More than miraculous could ever be
He's more than wonderful, that's what Jesus is to me

I2.      stand amazed when I think that the King of glory
Should come to dwell within the heart of man
I marvel just to know He really loves me
When I think of who He is, and who I am

For He's more wonderful than my mind can conceive
He's more wonderful than my heart can believe
He goes beyond my highest hopes and fondest dreams
He's everything that my soul ever longed for
Everything He's promised and so much more
More than amazing, more than marvelous
More than miraculous could ever be
He's more than wonderful, that's what Jesus is to me

Listen to it here   MORE THAN

Sunday, June 16, 2019


          Several months ago a close friend of ours shared with us the final days that she spent with her suffering husband before the Lord took him home.  She mentioned that a particular hymn, "At the End of the Road", kept coming to her mind during those final hours and that it was a real comfort to both of them during that time.  I remembered this hymn even though I hadn't heard it in years and I decided that it needed to be shared with my blog readers.  The song was written by A. H. Ackley (1887 - 1960).  Ackley was taught music by his father and he studied at the Royal Academy of Music in London.  He graduated from Westminster Theological Seminary in Maryland, was ordained as a Presbyterian minister in 1914, and served churches in Pennsylvania and California. He also worked with the Billy Sunday and Homer Rodeheaver evangelist team and for Homer Rodeheaver's publishing company. He wrote around 1500 hymns including the one shared here today.  Unfortunately I don't know why or even when he wrote this hymn.  Perhaps it was his hope as family or friends faced death or maybe a personal testimony of what he was looking forward to.  While we may look forward to heaven, I would imagine that many of us wonder what our transition will be like.  Will it be quick?  Will we suffer long?  Will our loved ones be there?  None of us know how it will be but it is comforting to know that the Savior will be there at the end of our road to meet and welcome us home.  What a comfort that should be. Now I had some difficulty finding much information and a video of this song.  A few sources had different versions of  a second or third verse.  So I will first share the two verses that I think Ackley may have written, then two others that might have been added by someone else.  As you meditate upon them, be sure that your final destination will be that blessed abode where the Savior is waiting.  You can be assured of this final home and welcome if you have put your trust in Jesus and accepted His free gift of salvation.

1.     There'll be light in the sky from the palace on high, 
When I come to the end of the road; 
Sweet relief from all care will be waiting me there, 
When I come to the end of the road. 
When the long day is ended, the journey is o'er. 
I shall enter that blessed abode, 
For the Saviour I love will be waiting for me 
When I come to the end of the road. 

2     Just a gate open wide
And a friend by my side
When I come to the end of the road
That is all that I ask
As a crown for my task
When I come to the end of the road.     
When the long day is ended, the journey is o'er. 
I shall enter that blessed abode, 
For the Saviour I love will be waiting for me 
When I come to the end of the road. 

*     Ev'ry long weary mile I'll recount with a smile 
When I come to the end of the road. 
And the foes that beset God will make me forget 
When I come to the end of the road.
When the long day is ended, the journey is o'er. 
I shall enter that blessed abode, 
For the Saviour I love will be waiting for me 
When I come to the end of the road. 

*     Looking back o'er the years that were long and drear 
The hand of the Christ I'll see 
While my heart will go forth with a song of praise 
Because of His love for me
When the long day is ended, the journey is o'er. 
I shall enter that blessed abode, 
For the Saviour I love will be waiting for me 
When I come to the end of the road. 

Listen to it here.   COME TO

Sunday, June 9, 2019


          Many years ago when my boys were still in elementary school we decided to go on vacation with another family.  We decided to go to Maine where we had reserved, sight unseen, two cottages along a lake. The night before we were to leave we had a bad storm and we lost our electricity and of course our air conditioning.  I chose to sleep on the floor near our front door hoping to get some air and some rest before our long trip.  Early in the morning the power finally came back on and at 4 am, with little or no sleep, we left for Maine.  It was a dreary day and after fighting traffic jams we arrived at our cabins about dusk, very exhausted.  What we found were two dirty, musty cabins with primitive furniture and beds.  We were upset and ready to leave, but it was too late to find any other accommodations. So we decided to at least stay and endure the night.  Hours later we woke to a crisp morning and a spectacular sunrise overlooking a beautiful lake.  We found an old pump organ on a porch overlooking the lake and we spent the early minutes of the day singing hymns together and enjoying God's beautiful creation.  That morning everything seemed new and different than it had the night before and we had a memorable week enjoying Maine.  Now I use this story as an introduction to this week's song knowing that it seriously pales in comparison to what happens to us when we first experience salvation.  We are told in 2 Corinthians 5:17, "Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new."  And if you have experienced God's free gift of salvation you understand fully the changes that you experienced. The gloominess of sin was replaced with the beauty of salvation. IPsalm 40:3 says, "He lifted me up from the pit of destruction, out of the miry clay; He set my feet upon a rock, and made my footsteps firm. He put a new song in my mouth, a hymn of praise to our God. Many will see and fear and put their trust in the LORD."   And I assume that it is this truth and this scripture that stirred John W. Peterson (1921-2006) to pen these simple but meaningful words.  "There's a new song in my heart since the savior set me free."  Peterson had a major influence on evangelical music in the 1950's through the 1970's.  He wrote over 1000 songs and 35 cantatas, many of which we grew up singing.  In this song he moves from "Once my life was filled with discord, sadness reigned within, for my heart was heavy laden with a weight of sin" ... to " I shall never cease in praising Jesus Christ my Lord, for the wonderful salvation that He did accord."   Hopefully you have experienced that transformation that only Jesus can provide.  Hopefully you are a new creation and have a new song in your heart.   If that is the case, then celebrate that experience this week and live a life of thankfulness for what He has done for you.

1      Once my life was filled with discord, sadness reigned within, 
For my heart was heavy laden with a weight of sin. 
There's a new song in my heart since the savior set me free 
There's a new song in my heart 'tis a heav'nly harmony 
All my sins are washed away in the blood of Calvary 
O what peace and joy nothing can destroy 
There's a new song in my heart. 

2      What a wondrous transformation in my life was wrought, 
When I trusted Christ my Savior and His pardon sought.

3      Someday I will go to Heaven where the angels sing, 
And I'll join their happy chorus praising Christ the King.

4      I shall never cease in praising Jesus Christ my Lord, 
For the wonderful salvation that He did accord. 

Listen to it here.        NEW SONG

Sunday, June 2, 2019


TIMELESS HYMN - A special feature where I highlight some of my favorite hymns that I have featured previously in this blog.  These entries are revised and expanded and shared again for our encouragement and challenge.  This hymn was first shared here on February 21, 2010.

         "Let no man despise thy youth; but be thou an example of the believers, in word, in conversation, in charity, in spirit, in faith, in purity."  1 Timothy 4:12.  I am so thankful that at an early age the Lord provided meaningful ways for me to be involved in ministry. It started in elementary school when I was able to help my mother teach a Good News Club. Since we were charter members of a new small church, I had the chance to teach Sunday School and even lead the children's department when I was in junior high. While in senior high I directed our first church choir. From my personal experiences I firmly believe that Christian young people need to be given areas of responsible ministry. But most of the time today this doesn't happen and their gifts aren't utilized or developed. Maybe that is part of the reason so many leave the church as they grow older. I find this so very sad. Young people who know and love the Lord can have a profound  impact on others. Take for example William Ralph Featherston (1846–1873). As a sixteen-year-old, while living in Montreal, he wrote this week's hymn shortly after his conversion in 1862. He died before his twenty-seventh birthday and this is apparently the only hymn he ever wrote. Young Featherston sent the poem to his aunt in Los Angeles who then sent it to England where it appeared in The London Hymnbook of 1864. Back in Boston a Baptist minister was preparing a hymnal for Baptist congregations when he saw "My Jesus, I Love Thee" in the British hymnal. He didn't like the music the words were set to and he later wrote that "in a moment of inspiration, a beautiful new melody sang itself to me." The simple tune he wrote perfectly complemented the simple words, and soon the hymn was being sung across America. That composer, A. J. Gordon, had a remarkable ministry in New England. But putting music to this hymn written by a teenage boy might be the one accomplishment in A. J. Gordon's life that has touched the most lives of all. I'm sure that many of you, like me, have often been touched by the words of this hymn, penned by a sixteen-year-old. And once again I call your attention to the final verse, which like many older hymns, shares the glorious hope of heaven when we will see Jesus, the one we love, face to face.

My Jesus, I love Thee, I know Thou art mine;
For Thee all the follies of sin I resign;
My gracious Redeemer, my Savior art Thou;
If ever I loved Thee, my Jesus, 'tis now.

I love Thee because Thou hast first loved me,
And purchased my pardon on Calvary's tree;
I love Thee for wearing the thorns on Thy brow;
If ever I loved Thee, my Jesus, 'tis now.

I'll love Thee in life, I will love Thee in death,
And praise Thee as long as Thou lendest me breath;
And say when the death dew lies cold on my brow,
If ever I loved Thee, my Jesus, 'tis now.

In mansions of glory and endless delight,
I'll ever adore Thee in heaven so bright;
'll sing with the glittering crown on my brow,
If ever I loved Thee, my Jesus, 'tis now.

Listen to the words and music here.      LOVE 1        LOVE2