Sunday, June 30, 2019


        Eliza Edmunds Hewitt (1851-1920) was educated in the Philadelphia school system and graduated as valedictorian of the Girl's Normal School.  After graduation she became a teacher in the public schools of her city.   But then her life became filled with pain and misery when she was forced to bed with a painful spinal problem.  It is said to have been caused by a reckless student striking her with a piece of slate. Lying in bed, she could have been bitter, but instead she studied English literature and began to write, especially for the primary department of her church.  She wrote "There Is Sunshine in My Soul Today" after getting her body cast off and being allowed to walk again in the nearby park.  She wrote in thankfulness at the joy of being able to get about again.   Some of her lines came into the hands of Professor John R. Sweney who wrote to her asking for more. He set a few of her songs to music. and then he and William J. Kirkpatrick published her first hymns.  It is said that she wrote almost 200 hymns. Despite her health problems, she was deeply interested in Sunday school work, and served as superintendent of a Sunday school for the Northern Home for Friendless Children. This was followed by similar work in the Calvin Presbyterian Church where at one point she had a class of 200.  This week's hymn choice, written by Eliza, shares what happens when one experiences the fullness of God's love.  Our lives are completely changed and despite our limitations, God can use us to "spread abroad the story - other souls to win". That exuberant outpouring of the love of God, that new awareness that we are beloved by the Almighty, transforms our attitude toward Him, toward ourselves, and toward others as well. "If God so loved us, we also ought to love one another" (I John. 4:11).  And as a result, our desire should be to "live for Jesus only."  I trust that you are experiencing the fullness of His love daily.

1.    Once my way was dark and dreary,
For my heart was full of sin,
But the sky is bright and cheery,
Since the fullness of His love came in. 
I can never tell how much I love Him,
I can never tell His love for me,
For it passeth human measure,
Like a deep, unfathomed sea;
'Tis redeeming love in Christ my Savior,
In my soul the heav'nly joys begin;
And I live for Jesus only,
Since the fullness of His love came in. 

2.    There is grace for all the lowly,
Grace to keep the trusting soul:
Pow'r to cleanse and make me holy,
Jesus shall my yielded life control.
I can never tell how much I love Him,
I can never tell His love for me,
For it passeth human measure,
Like a deep, unfathomed sea;
'Tis redeeming love in Christ my Savior,
In my soul the heav'nly joys begin;
And I live for Jesus only,
Since the fullness of His love came in. 

3.    Let me spread abroad the story,
Other souls to Jesus win;
For the cross is now my glory,
Since the fullness of His love came in
I can never tell how much I love Him,
I can never tell His love for me,
For it passeth human measure,
Like a deep, unfathomed sea;
'Tis redeeming love in Christ my Savior,
In my soul the heav'nly joys begin;
And I live for Jesus only,
Since the fullness of His love came in. 

Listen to it here.  I hope that you enjoy this style!    FULLNESS

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