Sunday, June 16, 2019


          Several months ago a close friend of ours shared with us the final days that she spent with her suffering husband before the Lord took him home.  She mentioned that a particular hymn, "At the End of the Road", kept coming to her mind during those final hours and that it was a real comfort to both of them during that time.  I remembered this hymn even though I hadn't heard it in years and I decided that it needed to be shared with my blog readers.  The song was written by A. H. Ackley (1887 - 1960).  Ackley was taught music by his father and he studied at the Royal Academy of Music in London.  He graduated from Westminster Theological Seminary in Maryland, was ordained as a Presbyterian minister in 1914, and served churches in Pennsylvania and California. He also worked with the Billy Sunday and Homer Rodeheaver evangelist team and for Homer Rodeheaver's publishing company. He wrote around 1500 hymns including the one shared here today.  Unfortunately I don't know why or even when he wrote this hymn.  Perhaps it was his hope as family or friends faced death or maybe a personal testimony of what he was looking forward to.  While we may look forward to heaven, I would imagine that many of us wonder what our transition will be like.  Will it be quick?  Will we suffer long?  Will our loved ones be there?  None of us know how it will be but it is comforting to know that the Savior will be there at the end of our road to meet and welcome us home.  What a comfort that should be. Now I had some difficulty finding much information and a video of this song.  A few sources had different versions of  a second or third verse.  So I will first share the two verses that I think Ackley may have written, then two others that might have been added by someone else.  As you meditate upon them, be sure that your final destination will be that blessed abode where the Savior is waiting.  You can be assured of this final home and welcome if you have put your trust in Jesus and accepted His free gift of salvation.

1.     There'll be light in the sky from the palace on high, 
When I come to the end of the road; 
Sweet relief from all care will be waiting me there, 
When I come to the end of the road. 
When the long day is ended, the journey is o'er. 
I shall enter that blessed abode, 
For the Saviour I love will be waiting for me 
When I come to the end of the road. 

2     Just a gate open wide
And a friend by my side
When I come to the end of the road
That is all that I ask
As a crown for my task
When I come to the end of the road.     
When the long day is ended, the journey is o'er. 
I shall enter that blessed abode, 
For the Saviour I love will be waiting for me 
When I come to the end of the road. 

*     Ev'ry long weary mile I'll recount with a smile 
When I come to the end of the road. 
And the foes that beset God will make me forget 
When I come to the end of the road.
When the long day is ended, the journey is o'er. 
I shall enter that blessed abode, 
For the Saviour I love will be waiting for me 
When I come to the end of the road. 

*     Looking back o'er the years that were long and drear 
The hand of the Christ I'll see 
While my heart will go forth with a song of praise 
Because of His love for me
When the long day is ended, the journey is o'er. 
I shall enter that blessed abode, 
For the Saviour I love will be waiting for me 
When I come to the end of the road. 

Listen to it here.   COME TO

1 comment:

  1. Hi there,
    just came over to your blog from Jephyr's blog. I had a near death experience when I was twenty eight and the place I was taken to I can not even begin to describe in words. The love and beauty there was like I have never know or seen on this earth. My husband and myself have been to many places around the world and I have never seen colours to compare with the colours of what was growing there. I had been married for ten years and did not want to come back here, although I loved my husband and son very much. I felt I was connecting with people there almost telepathically. Suddenly a voice said 'It is not time yet, you must go back.' I said 'I do not want to go back, but was once again told 'You must go back'. I was brought back and my husband said every morning to me'You was talking in a foreign language in your sleep.
    Seven years later I came up out of the baptismal water in a church in Adelaide speaking in a language I had never learned. The Bible calls it 'speaking mysteries to God. This is what I believe I was doing in my sleep when I was brought back from what I believe was the place the apostle Paul speaks about - the third Heaven. I hope this will comfort the lady who lost her husband.
