Sunday, May 21, 2017


          Cyrus Nusbaum was born in 1861 in Indiana. He came out of Amish country to be ordained a Methodist minister.  During his life he became a successful pastor, evangelist, college official, Army captain, and WW I American Red Cross inspector.  And he wrote the words and music for a number of hymns.  Nusbaum was only 25 years old at the time of his first pastoral assignment. It was one of the poorest circuits in the district. Their income was barely enough to live on as he and his young wife struggled hard to take care of seven congregations in rural Kansas. At the end of the first year they attended the annual conference hoping and praying that they would be given a better charge. However, on the last night of conference the bishop read the appointments and the Nusbaums had to go back to the same old poor circuit.  With heavy hearts they returned to their conference lodging. Mrs. Nusbaum went to bed early but Cyrus stayed up and wrestled with his thoughts. His unhappiness brought on a spirit of rebellion. But around midnight he finally knelt in prayer and told the Lord that he would be willing to serve regardless of the cost. With that surrender a peace came over him. That feeling of surrender later became the inspiration for this week's hymn which he wrote and was published in 1899.  That commitment to God to direct and control our days is reflected by Pastor Nusbaum's hymn. For a meaningful life that pleases God, and for fruitful service that will endure for eternity, the hymn writer's counsel is "Let Him have His way with thee." In other words, submit yourself to God.  But that isn't always easy.  So many different things call for our time and attention today.  Somebody has said that the theme chorus of Hell is, "I' Did It My Way". That seems to be a prevailing attitude today. "All we like sheep have gone astray; we have turned every one to his own way" (Isa. 53:6)  "Trust in the LORD with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge Him [as Lord of your life], and He shall direct your paths. Do not be wise in your own eyes; fear the LORD and depart from evil" (Prov. 3:5-7).  In Nusbaum's song, verse one reminds us that letting Him have His way with us will make us pure and good.  Verse two teaches us that letting Him have His way with us will make us free from sin.  In verse three we are told that letting Him have His way with us will make us citizens of His kingdom  And the chorus reemphasizes the blessings of submitting to the Lord's will.  So whose way are you following today?  Are you being attracted to the ways of this world which lead to eternal destruction?  Remember, "His power can make you what you ought to be; His blood can cleanse your heart and make you free; His love can fill your soul."   And as you yield to Him and His way you will see that it was best to let Him have His way with you.

1     Would you live for Jesus, and be always pure and good?
Would you walk with Him within the narrow road?
Would you have Him bear your burden, carry all your load?
Let Him have His way with thee.
His power can make you what you ought to be;
His blood can cleanse your heart and make you free;
His love can fill your soul, and you will see
'Twas best for Him to have His way with thee.

2.     Would you have Him make you free, and follow at His call?
Would you know the peace that comes by giving all?
Would you have Him save you, so that you can never fall?
Let Him have His way with thee.
His power can make you what you ought to be;
His blood can cleanse your heart and make you free;
His love can fill your soul, and you will see
'Twas best for Him to have His way with thee.

3.     Would you in His kingdom find a place of constant rest?
Would you prove Him true in providential test?
Would you in His service labor always at your best?
Let Him have His way with thee.
His power can make you what you ought to be;
His blood can cleanse your heart and make you free;
His love can fill your soul, and you will see
'Twas best for Him to have His way with thee.

Listen to it being sung here.    LISTEN


  1. I woke up this morning with the chorus of "His Way With Thee" going through my head. I was just trying to get the words down, but I googled the few words from the chorus and was led to your blog. Now, what is amazing is that the last time I could possibly have sung or heard this song was at least 52 years ago. This experience is not unusual for me. Why today does God put this song on my heart? Because He talks to me through song and this was a confirmation of why I am where I am in my Christian walk with the Lord. Submission and "in all our ways acknowledging Him" is a difficult part of our journey . Your blog was God's voice to me this morning through this hymn, particularly the origin of the hymn and Cyrus Nusbaum's story of why he wrote this song. This blog and "His Way With Thee" encouraged me to trust Him even more. I do not usually leave comments, but I felt God was wanting me to let you know that He is using your ministry to reach the unreachable with the Gospel of Jesus Christ. May our God continually bless you abundantly in your ministry for Him!

  2. This is a great way to appreciate this hymn

  3. Thank you for this write-up, God Bless you

  4. The same happened to me this morning... And yes God speaks to His children in many different is one of them!
