Sunday, May 14, 2017


          Over the years we have featured many of the great hymns that were written by  Dr. Oswald J. Smith (1889-1986).  It is said that he wrote more than 1,200 hymns, many of which have been a great comfort and encouragement to believers over the years.  Often we don't know the reason a hymn was penned, but this time we do.  This week's hymn was written around 1935 to minister to one person. Dr. Smith's youngest sister Ruth, and her husband Clifford were freshman missionaries serving in Peru. They were preparing to come home to Canada on their first furlough. But shortly before they left, Clifford was killed in a car accident. Ruth returned home with their two small boys, a grieving widow at the age of 26. Oswald Smith dedicated God Understands to his sister, and says it was a great comfort to her.  Over the years this hymn has comforted many people.  Many have used it at funeral services.  Dr. Smith reported that on one occasion it was even used of God to save a radio executive from suicide. Maybe it was also written to comfort you thus week.  "God understands your sorrow, he sees the falling tear, and whispers, "'I am with thee;' then falter not, nor fear."  The Lord not only knows the struggles of our inmost hearts, but He understands why we are going through these things, and what to do about them.  So often when we go through deep waters we feel all alone and think nobody really cares.  But there is one who knows and understands.  "He understands your longing, your deepest grief He shares. Then let Him bear your burden, He understands, and cares." "You, O Lord, are a God full of compassion, and gracious, longsuffering and abundant in mercy and truth." (Ps. 86:15). "Through the LORD'S mercies we are not consumed, because His compassions fail not. They are new every morning; great is Your faithfulness." (Lam. 3:22-23). "He who trusts in the LORD, mercy shall surround him." (Ps. 32:10).   Incidentally, despite losing their father,  I am told that Ruth's two boys grew up to become ministers of the gospel.  Are you facing deep waters?  Do you feel that nobody understands or cares?  Then meditate on these words this week and rest in the knowledge that He cares, He understands and He wants to bear your burden.

1.     God understands your sorrow,
He sees the falling tear,
And whispers, "I am with thee;"
then falter not, nor fear.
He understands your longing,
Your deepest grief He shares;
Then let Him bear your burden,
He understands, and cares.

2.    God understands your heartache,
He knows the bitter pain;
O, trust Him in the darkness,
you cannot trust in vain.
He understands your longing,
Your deepest grief He shares;
Then let Him bear your burden,
He understands, and cares

3.     God understands your weakness,
He knows the tempter's power;
And He will walk beside you
however dark the hour.
He understands your longing,
Your deepest grief He shares;
Then let Him bear your burden,
He understands, and cares

I was very surprised that I had so much difficulty finding a video of this hymn.  But I did find one to share with you.  Actually it is a medly but I hope the words will speak to you this week.   LISTEN


  1. A truly beautiful hymn that testifies to the tender love and compassion of the Great God, our Lord, our Savior, Jesus Christ.

  2. God brought this precious song to me when my husband of 68 years was taken home. This morning He reminded me of it again ( three years later) to send to a dear sister to bring comfort to her as it did to me and has to so many others.

  3. My husband and I are missionaries in Mexico, we have been there 18 years, we went there later in life. We are now 61 and 58 years old.
    Out of the clear blue, my husband began singing this song... i just began crying... God is so good. I remembered this song growing up, Bro Lester Roloff, sang it.... my husbands father, Dr Joe H West, began our church in 1958, still going strong after 60 years.... he always sang this song too..... i love it... Dr Oswald Smith, came to our church many years husband has a print out on his office wall in SLP, Mexico that Oswald J Smith said. “ Why should anyone hear the gospel twice, before everyone has heard it once.”
    Thank you Lord for dying on the cross for us and loving us.

  4. At precisely the moment that I NEEDED this song, with precisely THE words for me, I came upon this song. It cut through the carnage of my day, then "softly and tenderly" lifted my soul into a rhapsody of thanksgiving & praise unto the Lord. I pray I shall never forget this moment. I, too, was surprise not to be able to find a video. Thank you SO much for the link.

  5. Today is the first day of 2023. a text from my sister brought this song to my mind. none of my song books had it. I am grateful to have been able to find it on my old computer. Old but still available for insight to this old 85 year old. Thank you

  6. From an old tape of The Smith Trio which I've digitised is this version of the song:
