Sunday, November 27, 2016


          Submission - the action or fact of accepting or yielding to a superior force or to the will or authority of another person. I think submission has almost become a dirty word in today's society.  Folks don't want to submit to anyone - spouses, parents, pastors, elders, bosses, government officials and even the police.  Folks don't want to take orders.  Everyone has their own rights and wants to be able to do their own thing.  But for the believer, submission to the Lord and His will are essential to experience the abundant life which Christ came to give us. After all, who else knows all about us and has a plan for our life?  Why would we even think about going our own direction without His guidance?  But so often we do.  In Galatians 2:20 the apostle Paul writes.  "I have been crucified with Christ; and it is no longer I who live, but Christ who lives in me; and the life which I now live in the flesh, I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me, and delivered Himself up for me."   This week's hymn raises a key question in the chorus, "For who am I that I should choose my way?"   And the author quickly provides the proper response "The Lord shall choose for me,  'Tis better far, I know,  So let him bid me go, or stay."  What a powerful testimony and truth for each of us. The author, Charles Austin Miles (1868-1946), was an American writer of gospel songs who penned at least 398 songs as well as the music for several others. Miles studied at the Philadelphia College of Pharmacy and the University of Pennsylvania and worked as a pharmacist until 1892. He then worked as editor and manager at Hall-Mack Publishers for 37 years.  Actually his best known song is probably "In the Garden" which was published in 1912.  He said, "It is as a writer of gospel songs I am proud to be known, for in that way I may be of the most use to my Master, whom I serve willingly although not as efficiently as is my desire".  We don't know what inspired him to write this week's hymn choice, but after looking at what we know about his life, it was probably his personal experience and testimony.  He probably had learned that full submission to Christ was the only way to fully experience the joy of the abundant life promised by Christ.  He shared how his path has brought him nearer God.  He had learned that he must bear the cross if he was to someday wear a crown and he would gladly take that cross, unafraid, and for the Master's sake.  And he knew that he would conquer only when he yielded to the Lord.  Powerful, profound words.  Is submission a lesson which you are daily learning?  Let this be our prayer and our challenge in the days ahead.  May we be willing to surrender our will to him.

1.     The path that I have trod,
Has brought me nearer God,
Though oft it led through sorrow's gates .
Though not the way I choose,
In my way I might lose
The joy that yet for me awaits
Not what I wish to be,
Nor where I wish to go,
For who am I that I should choose my way?
The Lord shall choose for me,
'Tis better far, I know,
So let him bid me go, or stay

2.     The cross that I must bear,
If I a crown would wear,
Is not the cross that I should take;
But since on me 'tis laid,
I'll take it unafraid,
And bear it for the Master's sake.  
Not what I wish to be,
Nor where I wish to go,
For who am I that I should choose my way?
The Lord shall choose for me,
'Tis better far, I know,
So let him bid me go, or stay

3.    Submission to the will
Of him who guides me still
Is surety of His love revealed;
My soul shall rise above
This world in which I move,
I conquer only when I yield.
Not what I wish to be,
Nor where I wish to go,
For who am I that I should choose my way?
The Lord shall choose for me,
'Tis better far, I know,
So let him bid me go, or stay

Listen to it here.   LISTEN

Sunday, November 20, 2016


           "His Name shall be called Wonderful."  (Isaiah 9:6)  Those of us who have experienced the joy of sins forgiven certainly can join in singing the words of this week's hymn choice, "For He's a wonderful Savior to me, He's a wonderful Savior to me. I was lost in sin, but Jesus took me in, He's a wonderful Savior to me."  And truly He is a wonderful Savior.  These words were penned by Virgil Prentiss Brock (1887- 1978) in 1918.  It was one of the first songs which he wrote.  I haven't been able to find many of the details about why he wrote it, although one source says it was inspired by the witness of a traveling salesman who distributed Gideon Bibles.  The music was written by his wife, Blanche K. Brock, who added all the music for his hymns. For 42 years Blanche accompanied Virgil with his work as a general evangelist . She was a talented pianist and singer, having studied voice at the Indianapolis Conservatory of Music and at the American Conservatory of Music in Chicago, IL.  Over 500 gospel songs were written through their collaboration. Virgil knew nothing about music theory, so he depended on Blanche to write the melodies for his lyrics. She would then harmonize and arrange these melodies.  Virgil pastored several Quaker churches in the early years of his ministry, but most of his life's ministry was given to evangelistic endeavor.  Blanche Brock died in 1958 and in 1959, he married Martha Anderson. They continued in church work until her death in 1969. Virgil resided at Winona Lake, Indiana, for many years, and was closely associated with Homer Rodeheaver.  Most of his hymns were published by the Rodeheaver Company. He is buried in a Warsaw-Winona Lake Cemetery, and engraved on his large memorial monument are the words and music of his most well known hymn, "Beyond the Sunset."  This week's upbeat hymn choice reminds us of at least four reasons why Jesus is such a wonderful Savior. Stanza one says that He came to rescue us that we might be free from sin  In stanza two Brock says that Jesus is a friend who is kind and patient.  Stanza three says that He is always near to comfort us and dry our tears.  And in stanza four we are told that His love grows dearer every day as we journey through this life. In all these things Jesus has shown beyond doubt that His aim is to save to the uttermost those who come to Him (Hebrews 7.25).  What a powerful testimony for those of us who are children of God and have been found, rescued and set free.  Is that your testimony?  If so, meditate on these words this week and sing them from the bottom of your heart. "For He's a wonderful Savior to me, He's a wonderful Savior to me;  I was lost in sin, but Jesus took me in, He's a wonderful Savior to me."

1.     I was lost in sin, but Jesus rescued me,
He's a wonderful Savior to me;
I was bound by fear, but Jesus set me free,
He's a wonderful Savior to me.
For He's a wonderful Savior to me,
He's a wonderful Savior to me;
I was lost in sin, but Jesus took me in:
He's a wonderful Savior to me.

2.    He's a Friend so true, so patient and so kind,
He's a wonderful Savior to me;
Everything I need in Him I always find,
He's a wonderful Savior to me.
For He's a wonderful Savior to me,
He's a wonderful Savior to me;
I was lost in sin, but Jesus took me in:
He's a wonderful Savior to me.

3.     He is always near to comfort and to cheer,
He's a wonderful Savior to me;
He forgives my sins, He dries my every tear,
He's a wonderful Savior to me.
For He's a wonderful Savior to me,
He's a wonderful Savior to me;
I was lost in sin, but Jesus took me in:
He's a wonderful Savior to me.

4.    Dearer grows the love of Jesus day by day,
He's a wonderful Savior to me.
Sweeter is His grace while pressing on my way,
He's a wonderful Savior to me.
For He's a wonderful Savior to me,
He's a wonderful Savior to me;
I was lost in sin, but Jesus took me in:
He's a wonderful Savior to me.

You can listen to it here.   LISTEN

Thursday, November 17, 2016


Cliff Barrows who worked with for decades Billy Graham in his crusades went home to be with the Lord on Tuesday, November 15, at the age of 93.  He is pictured with Billy Graham and Percy Crawford on a picture from Pinebrook Bible Conference on my blog for November 13.  

Sunday, November 13, 2016


               On Tuesday evangelist Dr. Billy Graham was 98.  In my estimation he has been one of the most influential evangelists the world has ever seen.  I personally have great memories of watching his crusades on television and even attending one in Times Square many years ago.  Hymns were always an important part of his crusades.  I've always loved the beautiful, powerful voice of George Beverly Shea, one of my favorite soloists who was part of the crusade team.  Graham was often asked what his favorite hymns were.  Those mentioned by him were "What a Friend We Have in Jesus", "I'd Rather Have Jesus", "Just As I Am", and his most favorite, "And Can It Be".  Each of these hymns have been featured in this blog at different times over the years.  But there is one that he loved that we have never mentioned because it is no longer well known. That is "Complete in Thee" which was often sung by Shea in the early years of their ministry together.  Graham has said how powerful of a message that is for all of us, meaning "we are complete when we're in Christ."  Verse 1 begins by contemplating how believers are declared righteous in Christ because of his cross work. Verse 2 remembers that our Savior is the source of our every good. Verse 3 celebrates that Christ's grace is more powerful than the draw of sin in our lives. And the final verse looks forward to the day when we will appear in God's presence at the judgment, and Christ will be our reason for confidence and standing in that great day. The chorus rehearses the glorious benefits of salvation, from justification, and sanctification, to glorification.  I personally am stirred by the power and truth of the chorus. "Yea, justified! O blessed thought!  And sanctified! Salvation wrought!  Thy blood hath pardon bought for me,  and glorified, I too,shall be!"  The words of the verses were written by Aaron Roberts Wolfe (1821-1902) in 1851.  Wolfe wrote this hymn just before graduating from Union Seminary.   The chorus was added by James Martin Gray (1851-1935). The music was added by Talmadge J. Bittkofer.  But then in 2003, Ben Nyce the rewrote the melody "to be more singable and memorable."  Personally I preferred the original melody as I heard it sung so often by Shea.   I chose this hymn this week in honor of Dr. Graham and I thought that it was especially appropriate with all that is happening in our world today.  While events all around us can be rather frightening and discouraging, we need to be reminded of the spiritual blessings that we have through Christ that can never be taken from us ... salvation sanctification ... glorification.  What a blessed thought and truth.  So let us rejoice this week that as believers, we are complete in Him.  Praise God!
1.   Complete in Thee! no work of mine
May take, dear Lord, the place of Thine;
Thy blood hath pardon bought for me,
And I am now complete in Thee.
Yea, justified! O blessed thought!
And sanctified! Salvation wrought!
Thy blood hath pardon bought for me,
And glorified, I too, shall be!

2     Complete in Thee, each want supplied,
And no good thing to me denied;
Since Thou my portion, Lord, wilt be,
I ask no more, complete in Thee.
Yea, justified! O blessed thought!
And sanctified! Salvation wrought!
Thy blood hath pardon bought for me,
 And glorified, I too, shall be!

3     Complete in Thee, no more shall sin,
Thy grace hath conquered, reign within;
Thy voice shall bid the tempter flee,
And I shall stand complete in Thee.
Yea, justified! O blessed thought!
And sanctified! Salvation wrought!
Thy blood hath pardon bought for me,
 And glorified, I too, shall be!

4     Dear Savior! when before Thy bar
All tribes and tongues assembled are,
Among Thy chosen will I be,
At Thy right hand, complete in Thee
Yea, justified! O blessed thought!
And sanctified! Salvation wrought!
Thy blood hath pardon bought for me,
 And glorified, I too, shall be!

You can listen to it here.    LISTEN

Monday, November 7, 2016


          On October 30 I unexpectedly ended up in the hospital.  Because of this I failed to post the prepared hymn for that week and some of you noticed that.  I didn't realize it until this past Saturday and when I realized it I went ahead and posted it, even though it was a week late.  Some of my faithful readers might not realize it was posted late and you might want to go back and read it.  This was the first week that I missed in 428 weeks of posting hymns.  I apologize for not getting this done on time.  Thank you for your faithful visits to this blog.  You encourage me.  I pray that you may be helped by my feeble attempts to share with you each week.  And I will also appreciate your prayers for my complete recovery.  God is good, all the time!

Sunday, November 6, 2016


          We live in a sad age when increasingly more and more members of our society, including believers, are becoming followers of all sorts of folks and philosophies.  The internet in particular has allowed people through blogs and social media to regularly follow politicians, entertainment stars, athletes, religious speakers and all sorts of organizations.  And, in so many cases, people just accept what they read without even questioning it. We need discernment like never before.  As Abraham Lincoln said, "If you read it on the internet it must be true."  But there is only one person who has the truth.  Jesus said "I am the way, the truth and the life."  And the Apostle Peter states that Christ has left us an example, "that you should follow in His steps" (I Peter 2:21). There is no need to be in the dark if we will accompany the One who declared, "I am the light of the world. He who follows Me shall not walk in darkness, but have the light of life" (John 8:12). Nineteen times the Gospel writers record the words of the Lord Jesus, "Follow Me" (for example Matthew 4:19).  And that is the theme of this week's hymn that should remind each believer of the need to follow Christ daily in all that we do.  William A. Ogden (1841-1897) is said to have been a musical prodigy.  He began studying music at the age of eight and could read church music by ten.  He could write a melody by hearing it sung or played and when he was 18 he became a choir director in his church.  Through his adult life he enjoyed working with children and teaching them music.  With the outbreak of the Civil War he enlisted in the 30th Indiana Volunteer Infantry.  During the war years he organized a male choir which became known throughout the Army of the Cumberland.  After the war he resumed his study of music under some of the most prominent musicians of the day.  In 1870, Mr. Ogden published his first song book, called Silver Songs.  The book became very popular, and sold five hundred thousand copies in England alone.   Over the years, William Ogden taught music, not only in the United States, but in Canada as well, and he wrote and published many gospel songs.  Now I don't know what led him to write this hymn, but he penned the words and added the tune in 1885.  The hymn reminds us of why we should follow Christ.  Stanza one says that we should because of His message which is sweet, kind, dear and pure - the great example and pattern for us.  Stanza two says we should follow Him because of His love.  In stanza three we are reminded that we should follow Him because of the rest that He gives. "Weary, heavy-laden, there is sweet rest for thee." "Lean upon the Savior and thy soul is secure."  The chorus reminds us of the need to follow Jesus everywhere and at every time. "Where He leads I'll follow, Follow all the way; Where He leads I'll follow, Follow Jesus every day."  Jesus not only died for our sins and rose again to declare His divine Sonship, but He lived a perfect life as an example of how God wants His children to live.  Therefore, it should be our determination, throughout our entire life on earth that, "Where He Leads, I'll Follow."  Is that your desire and prayer?

1     Sweet are the promises, Kind is the word,
Dearer far than any message man ever heard;
Pure was the mind of Christ, Sinless I see;
He the great example is, and pattern for me.
Where He leads I'll follow,
Follow all the way.
Where He leads I'll follow,
Follow Jesus ev'ry day.

2     Sweet is the tender love Jesus hath shown,
Sweeter far than any love that mortals have known;
Kind to the erring one, Faithful is He;
He the great example is, and pattern for me. 
Where He leads I'll follow,
Follow all the way.
Where He leads I'll follow,
Follow Jesus ev'ry day.

3     List' to His loving words, "Come unto Me;"
Weary, heavy-laden, there is sweet rest for thee;
Trust in His promises, Faithful and sure;
Lean upon the Savior, and thy soul is secure. 
Where He leads I'll follow,
Follow all the way.
Where He leads I'll follow,
Follow Jesus ev'ry day.

You can listen to it here.   LISTEN