Sunday, November 27, 2016


          Submission - the action or fact of accepting or yielding to a superior force or to the will or authority of another person. I think submission has almost become a dirty word in today's society.  Folks don't want to submit to anyone - spouses, parents, pastors, elders, bosses, government officials and even the police.  Folks don't want to take orders.  Everyone has their own rights and wants to be able to do their own thing.  But for the believer, submission to the Lord and His will are essential to experience the abundant life which Christ came to give us. After all, who else knows all about us and has a plan for our life?  Why would we even think about going our own direction without His guidance?  But so often we do.  In Galatians 2:20 the apostle Paul writes.  "I have been crucified with Christ; and it is no longer I who live, but Christ who lives in me; and the life which I now live in the flesh, I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me, and delivered Himself up for me."   This week's hymn raises a key question in the chorus, "For who am I that I should choose my way?"   And the author quickly provides the proper response "The Lord shall choose for me,  'Tis better far, I know,  So let him bid me go, or stay."  What a powerful testimony and truth for each of us. The author, Charles Austin Miles (1868-1946), was an American writer of gospel songs who penned at least 398 songs as well as the music for several others. Miles studied at the Philadelphia College of Pharmacy and the University of Pennsylvania and worked as a pharmacist until 1892. He then worked as editor and manager at Hall-Mack Publishers for 37 years.  Actually his best known song is probably "In the Garden" which was published in 1912.  He said, "It is as a writer of gospel songs I am proud to be known, for in that way I may be of the most use to my Master, whom I serve willingly although not as efficiently as is my desire".  We don't know what inspired him to write this week's hymn choice, but after looking at what we know about his life, it was probably his personal experience and testimony.  He probably had learned that full submission to Christ was the only way to fully experience the joy of the abundant life promised by Christ.  He shared how his path has brought him nearer God.  He had learned that he must bear the cross if he was to someday wear a crown and he would gladly take that cross, unafraid, and for the Master's sake.  And he knew that he would conquer only when he yielded to the Lord.  Powerful, profound words.  Is submission a lesson which you are daily learning?  Let this be our prayer and our challenge in the days ahead.  May we be willing to surrender our will to him.

1.     The path that I have trod,
Has brought me nearer God,
Though oft it led through sorrow's gates .
Though not the way I choose,
In my way I might lose
The joy that yet for me awaits
Not what I wish to be,
Nor where I wish to go,
For who am I that I should choose my way?
The Lord shall choose for me,
'Tis better far, I know,
So let him bid me go, or stay

2.     The cross that I must bear,
If I a crown would wear,
Is not the cross that I should take;
But since on me 'tis laid,
I'll take it unafraid,
And bear it for the Master's sake.  
Not what I wish to be,
Nor where I wish to go,
For who am I that I should choose my way?
The Lord shall choose for me,
'Tis better far, I know,
So let him bid me go, or stay

3.    Submission to the will
Of him who guides me still
Is surety of His love revealed;
My soul shall rise above
This world in which I move,
I conquer only when I yield.
Not what I wish to be,
Nor where I wish to go,
For who am I that I should choose my way?
The Lord shall choose for me,
'Tis better far, I know,
So let him bid me go, or stay

Listen to it here.   LISTEN


  1. Thank you so much for your blog. I love it! So wonderful to see Christians using the internet used to honor our gracious Lord Jesus.

    I love this song. The message is so beautiful and conforting

  2. Many thanks for sharing.

