Monday, November 7, 2016


          On October 30 I unexpectedly ended up in the hospital.  Because of this I failed to post the prepared hymn for that week and some of you noticed that.  I didn't realize it until this past Saturday and when I realized it I went ahead and posted it, even though it was a week late.  Some of my faithful readers might not realize it was posted late and you might want to go back and read it.  This was the first week that I missed in 428 weeks of posting hymns.  I apologize for not getting this done on time.  Thank you for your faithful visits to this blog.  You encourage me.  I pray that you may be helped by my feeble attempts to share with you each week.  And I will also appreciate your prayers for my complete recovery.  God is good, all the time!

1 comment:

  1. Praying you heal up quickly and completely.....
