Sunday, June 28, 2009


Today so many Christians seem to either over emphasize or else under emphasize the work of the Holy Spirit in lives today. Before He left to return to heaven, Jesus promised to send us the Comforter, the Holy Spirit, because He knew that we would need the Spirit daily. Without the daily work of the Spirit in our lives we would be in serious trouble. We are engaged in a spiritual battle with a foe that seeks to destroy us and our testimony. We need the Spirit to protect us and to guide us and to teach us and to comfort us. Daily we should be dependent upon Him to experience the victorious Christian life that God wants us to have. This morning, in both of our worship services, my wife, Dianne, played, as an offertory, a beautiful piano arrangement of an old hymn of the church. This is hymn is a prayer which recognizes our need of the presence of the Spirit in our lives. May this be our daily prayer.

(1) Spirit of God, descend upon my heart;
Wean it from earth; through all its pulses move;
Stoop to my weakness, mighty as Thou art;
And make me love Thee as I ought to love.

(2) Teach me to feel that Thou art always nigh;
Teach me the struggles of the soul to bear.
To check the rising doubt, the rebel sigh,
Teach me the patience of unanswered prayer.

(3) Hast Thou not bid me love Thee, God and King?
All, all Thine own, soul, heart and strength and mind.
I see Thy cross; there teach my heart to cling:
O let me seek Thee, and O let me find!

(4) Teach me to love Thee as Thine angels love,
One holy passion filling all my frame;
The kindling of the heaven descended Dove,
My heart an altar, and Thy love the flame.

Listen to it here. LISTEN

1 comment:

  1. Haven't visited in awhile.

    Thanks for posting George Croly's excellent hymn. Today is the 149th anniversary of his death, so I posted something about him on my daily hymn history blog, Wordwise Hymns.

    Lots of meat to chew on in Croly's hymn. We certainly need the Lord to teach us how to love, and we need the dimness of our soul's removed!
