Sunday, June 21, 2009


This week I've decided to take a little different approach and not feature one of the old hymns of the church. Instead I want to share a rather new song that I heard for the first time this week. It really spoke to me and I felt that on Father's Day I had to use it in honor of both my father and my brother. My brother was a godly father who had seen the heavenly Father through our earthly father. There are always things that you will wish that you had said to your parents while they were still alive. So if your dad is still living, please call him or visit him today since you don't know how many more Father's Days you may have to do so. And, if your dad has been a godly example to you, thank Him for that example. Godly fathers are a special gift from God. You can read more about my feelings and reactions by going to my public blog and reading today's entry that mentions this song. I don't know if Mark Lowry actually wrote this song, but he has recorded it. Unfortunately, I haven't been able to find a link that would allow you to listen to it. So here is what I wish I could share today with dad.

Thank you dad for showing me the Father,
I see His love in everything you do.
Like a clear reflection in the water,
I've always seen the Father in you.

Through the years you've painted me
the picture of a heavenly father I could see.
His loving ways became so familiar
because dad you made the Father real to me.

Thank you dad for showing me the Father,
I see His love in everything you do.
Like a clear reflection in the water,
I've always seen the Father in you.

You sang the grand old hymns and read the story.
Every night you prayed on bended knee.
Following your steps I've seen the Father,
And His amazing grace now lives in me.

Thank you dad for showing me the Father,
I see His love in everything you do.
Like a clear reflection in the water,
I've always seen the Father in you.


  1. Ah yes, how wonderful to have a godly father. Thank you for that song.

  2. Look up "I've always seen the Father in you." I found it there and listened to it.
    You helped me find this song my mother asked me to find for her. Thank you! Betty
