Welcome!  Hymns have been and continue to be a real source of inspiration to me.  My desire in this blog is to share special hymns with my readers hoping that the words will minister to them, especially in times of great personal need.  If one of these hymns ministers to you, please take time to leave a comment so that I know that my blog is helping others as much as it helps me. Sometimes I will also provide a link where you can go to hear the hymn played.  So, please join me here each week and sing along as we praise God together.

Sunday, July 22, 2018


        In his book "A Life Beyond Amazing", Dr. David Jeremiah shares a story in his chapter on "A Life of Integrity" that I have never forgotten.  A group of salesman were rushing to catch their plane home from Chicago.  They accidentally bumped into a stand where baskets of beautiful apples were being sold.  The apples tumbled all over the area but the salesmen kept on running toward their boarding gate.  But when they reached the gate, one of them told the others to get on the plane and he would catch a later flight home.  He then went back and saw a young lad trying to gather up all of the apples.  Many were bruised and some of the baskets were broken.  He got down on his hands and knees and helped the young lad retrieve his produce.  Then he pulled three large bills from his wallet and gave them to the lad with an apology.  The money more than covered the damages.   The boy nodded his thanks through his tears, and the salesman turned back to the lobby to arrange for a new flight home.  He hadn't walked far before the boy called out, "Mister …"  As he paused and turned around, the boy said, "Are you Jesus?"  Has anyone ever asked that about us?  Do our actions reflect what Jesus would do?  Today's hymn shares what should be our daily prayer, "I would be like Jesus". Thomas Obediah Chisholm (1866-1960) was born in Kentucky, and educated in a country schoolhouse where he himself became the teacher at the age of 16. For awhile, he worked as a reporter and the associate editor of a newspaper in Louisville. Then, after becoming a Christian, Chisholm became a pastor.  But ill health soon forced his resignation. For most of his adult life he worked as an insurance salesman. But he also wrote poetry and is said to have written over 1,200 sacred poems.  Some of these were turned into hymns, including "Bring Christ Your Broken Life", "Living For Jesus", "O, To Be Like Thee", "Only In Thee" and perhaps the hymn for which he is best known, "Great Is Thy Faithfulness."  Chisholm explained his approach to hymn writing in the following statement, "I have sought to be true to the Word, and to avoid flippant and catchy titles and treatment. I have greatly desired that each hymn or poem might have some definite message to the hearts for whom it was written".  Well this week's hymn does have a definite message for our hearts and it presents a challenge and goal for our daily living.  Can we say with Chisholm,  "O perfect life of Christ, my Lord! I want to be like Jesus. My recompense and my reward, That I may be like Jesus. His Spirit fill my hungering soul, His power all my life control; My deepest prayer, my highest goal, That I may be like Jesus."  May this be our daily desire and prayer.

1.     I have one deep, supreme desire, 
that I may be like Jesus.
To this I fervently aspire, 
that I may be like Jesus.
I want my heart His throne to be 
so that a watching world may see
His likeness shining forth in me. 
I want to be like Jesus.

2.     He spent His life in doing good; 
I want to be like Jesus.
In lowly paths of service trod; 
I want to be like Jesus.
He sympathized with hearts distressed, 
He spoke the words that cheered and blessed;
He welcomed sinners to His breast. 
I want to be like Jesus.

3.     A holy, harmless life He led; 
I want to be like Jesus.
The Father's will, His drink and bread, 
I want to be like Jesus.
And when at last He comes to die, 
"Forgive them, Father" Hear Him cry
For those who taunt and crucify.
I want to be like Jesus.

4.     O perfect life of Christ, my Lord! 
I want to be like Jesus.
My recompense and my reward, 
That I may be like Jesus.
His Spirit fill my hungering soul, 
His power all my life control;
My deepest prayer, my highest goal, 
That I may be like Jesus.

Listen to it here.   LISTEN


Anonymous said...

I love the song "I Want to Be Like Jesus." I have an arrangement of it in a very small book from Back to the Bible Broadcast, published in 1959. It's in the "Male Voices" section (all bass clef), so I've scored it for piano so I can play it and sing it. I was hoping the song was out of copyright, but sadly (for me!) no. The chords are melodic and full of feeling, and the words so poetic and sweet - I especially like verses 1 and 4. Thanks for sharing.

Rick Grubbs said...

Thanks for the story and the hymn text. I Googled the words I knew and came to your site for the whole lyrics. It was a great bonus to have the story behind it as well.

If the message of this song is true in our lives we will be effective Christians who redeem the time.

Anonymous said...

This song was on my mind, so I looked up the lyrics, and my search brought me to this page. The story of Dr. Jeremiah and the lad with the apples brought tears to my eyes; “Are you Jesus?” Oh that my life would reflect Jesus in all His purity and love! Thank you for this gem of inspiration.