This month when thoughts turn to love around Valentine's Day, we have chosen hymns and songs which center around God's great love for all of us. This theme which echos through the pages of the Bible and in the lives of saints for centuries, has been the theme of hymns for years. Some of the ones that we have chosen this month are more than 100 years old. But this week I've chosen one which was copyrighted only 15 years ago. I don't know the story behind its writing except that the words were written by Greg Nelson and the music by Phil McHugh. The words share the impact of Calvary's love, a priceless gift, to heal the spirit that life has crushed and cast aside. It's a love which surpasses our deepest sin. A love that loved enough to die. A love which fills once empty eyes with joy. Many years ago, Amy Carmichael shared the impact of Calvary's love when she wrote. "If I wonder why something trying is allowed, and press for prayer that it may be removed; if I cannot be trusted with any disappointment, and cannot go on in peace under any mystery, then I know nothing of Calvary love." Meditate on the words this week.
Calvary's love will sail forever,
Bright and shining, strong and free,
Like an ark of peace and safety
On the sea of human need.
Through the hours of all the ages
Those tired of sailing on their own
Finally rest inside the shadow
Cast by Calvary's love across their souls.
Calvary's love, Calvary's love,
Priceless gift Christ makes us worthy of;
The deepest sin can't rise above Calvary's love.
Calvary's love can heal the spirit
Life has crushed and cast aside,
And redeem till heaven's promise
Fills with joy once empty eyes.
So desire to tell His story
Of Love that loved enough to die
Burns away all other passions,
Fed by Calvary's love becomes a fire.
Calvary's love, Calvary's love,
Priceless gift Christ makes us worthy of;
The deepest sin can't rise above Calvary's love.
Calvary's love has never faltered,
All its wonders still remain.
Souls still take eternal passage;
Sins atoned and heaven gained,
Sins atoned and heaven gained,
Sins atoned and heaven gained.
You can listen to it here. LISTEN
This is one of the most powerful and moving songs I have ever had the joy of listening to. I would love to go into every prison and sing it to the inmates; for this is what they need to hear the most.
Amen 😇💓🙏
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