Sunday, July 14, 2024


           Could a simple children's story be the source of a beautiful hymn that has been an inspiration to so many over many decades?

          Well, that is exactly what happened to the book entitled "A Princess in Calico" which tells of a little girl who remained happy although her life was full of misfortune.  When asked how she could smile through all of her troubles, she replied, "Oh it's because I belong to the king!"      

          Ida L. Reed (1865-19519), author of this week's hymn, lived a life filled with burdensome trials and afflictions. Growing up doing heavy farm work in West Virginia, she was forced to do this in support of an invalid and widowed mother.  After being bedridden herself for many years, she was moved to a hospital in hope of prolonging her pain-wracked life.  From her hospital bed she wrote many poems, including the words of this hymn.

          The words of the little girl in the story became her testimony, "I belong to the king."

          Not only did Ida know that she belonged to the King, but she knew that someday she would dwell in His palace by His glorified throne.  The words of her song provide comfort and hope for all believers.  We may face many challenges in this life, but we have a bright future in the presence of our King.  We have His mercy and kindness and He is our unfailing refuge.  And His promise is sure.  We just need to wait for His final call.

          Are you burdened with pain?  Do the cares of this life get you down?  Are you discouraged?  Then remember that, if you are a believer, that you, too, are a child of the King and He will not forsake you.

          Listen to it here.   KING

1    I belong to the King, I'm a child of His love,
I shall dwell in His palace so fair;
For He tells of its bliss in yon heaven above,
And His children in splendor shall share.

I belong to the King, I'm a child of His love,
And he never forsaketh His own;
He will call me some day to His palace above,
I shall dwell by His glorified throne.

2    I belong to the King, and He loves me I know,
For His mercy and kindness, so free,
Are unceasingly mine wheresoever I go,
And my refuge unfailing is He. (Refrain)

3    I belong to the King, and His promise is sure,
That we all shall be gathered at last
In His kingdom above, by life's waters so pure,
When this life with its trials is past. (Refrain)

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