Welcome!  Hymns have been and continue to be a real source of inspiration to me.  My desire in this blog is to share special hymns with my readers hoping that the words will minister to them, especially in times of great personal need.  If one of these hymns ministers to you, please take time to leave a comment so that I know that my blog is helping others as much as it helps me. Sometimes I will also provide a link where you can go to hear the hymn played.  So, please join me here each week and sing along as we praise God together.

Sunday, June 23, 2024



          Therefore God also has highly exalted Him and given Him the name which is above every name, that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, of those in heaven, and of those on earth, and of those under the earth, and that every tongue should confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father.  (Philippians 2:9-11)

          All people, whether they are believers or unbelievers, will one day acknowledge Jesus as Lord. The reference to knees bowing implies an act of submission and worship. Every person will one day acknowledge the authority of Jesus Christ and give him the honor and respect he deserves. But bowing the knee should be a daily act of worship.
          I found that there are actually two songs with the same title. Both songs have a good biblical message. Both are true.
          As Christ followers we need to recognize who God is. He IS King of all the ages and He alone deserves our worship. It is also true that this God who is high and lifted up is one that we can trust on our journey through life, even when you don't understand the purpose of His plan. The writer reminds us of a truth that we need to hang onto -  don't forget we live by faith and not by sight – see 2 Corinthians 5:7.
Bowing the knee means entire submission. Yielded, soft, flexible. It is a strange salvation that knows nothing about daily submission to Christ Jesus the Lord.  Bowing the knee means willing service. Bowing the knee means obedience.  Bowing the knee means yielding, no longer resisting God, repenting.  Bowing the knee means ownership. If He is my Lord He owns me lock, stock and barrel.  In simple words, to "bow the knee" means, having a soft, yielded, very flexible approach towards God – so that He need not push or prod you to do His will, His way! No matter if He is chastening you, or just instructing you, you yield and accept His work in your life!
          When you want to yield and give in to temptation – bow the knee  
 When you feel depressed under life's pressure – bow the knee.   When you feel like getting angry and staying angry, don't yield to anger… bow the knee!   When you struggle with memories and find it easy to just quit… bow the knee! Bowing the knee allows the Lord to bless you and your life unhindered by your efforts – no pride.  Bowing the knee allows the Lord to protect you. You are depending on His power, not yours. This is how you find the secret place of the most high! The first step to experiencing His protective power, is you bowing 
          As Christ followers we need to recognize who God is. He IS King of all the ages, and He alone deserves our worship.   It is also true that this God who is high and lifted up is one that we can trust on our journey through life even when you don't understand the purpose of His plan
            Wherever you are today – rejoicing in the goodness and greatness of God or struggling to understand the heart of the Father – stop long enough on your spiritual journey to bow your knee.

What a privilege to come into God's presence
Just to linger with the One who set me free.
As I lift my eyes and see His awesome glory.
I remember who He is and bow the knee.

Bow the knee
Bow the knee
He is King of all the ages
Bow the knee
God alone on His throne
See Him high and lifted up
and bow the knee.
Kneel before Him
All adore Him
As you live to love Him more
Bow the knee.

In His hands He holds
the power of creation.
With His voice He spoke,
and all things came to be.
Yet He hears each simple prayer
I bring before Him
When I humbly seek His face
and bow the knee.

Bow the knee
Bow the knee
He is King of all the ages
Bow the knee
God alone on His throne
See Him high and lifted up
and bow the knee.
Kneel before Him
All adore Him
As you live to love Him more
Bow the knee.

Bow the knee
Bow the knee
He is King of all the ages
Bow the knee
God alone on His throne
See Him high and lifted up
and bow the knee.
Kneel before Him
All adore Him
As you live to love Him more
Bow the knee.


Listen to the one version here.   BOW

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