Sunday, March 31, 2024


          There are many beautiful and meaningful Easter hymns that have been written, some in recent years, and many others centuries ago.  I recently found one that I had never heard before that date back to about 1709.  It has an interesting history.
          Samuel Wesley, Sr. was a poor and unpopular Anglican pastor in tiny Epworth, England.  It upset him that his wife's kitchen Bible studies were more popular than his sermons.  Though they really loved each other, Susanna is said to have said, "It is a misfortune to our family that he and I seldom think alike."
          Some of the citizens of Epworth found Samuel hard to get along with and they often expressed their feelings in difficult ways.  His crops were burned, his livestock maimed and, on February 9, 1709, his house was set on fire.  Susanna was awakened by sparks falling on her bed.  Samuel cried "Fire! Fire!". But the thatched roof caught fire and spread rapidly. The parents raced to free their trapped children.  Almost all were able to escape.
          But then someone saw five-year-old John's terrified face pressed against a window upstairs.  Instantly they formed a human ladder and he was rescued just before the wall caved.  They never forgot the amazing rescue.
          Among the things that perished that night was the manuscript of Samuel's compositions.  He often found relief in penning devotional poetry and hymns.  He had hoped this would help meet the family's financial needs.  But that night all his work was lost.
          But somehow one of his hymns was rescued. This is the only known surviving hymn by the father of the famous Wesley brothers. It became the forerunner of the many famous hymns that later were written by Samuel's son, Charles.
          Samuel's hymn tells of another preacher with whom Samuel identified, One who was likewise ridiculed and attacked.  It shares the agony of Christ on the Cross and the amazing love of the Savior.

1 Behold the Savior of mankind
Nailed to the shameful tree!
How vast the love that Him inclined
To bleed and die for thee!

2 Hark, how He groans, while nature shakes,
And earth's strong pillars bend!
The temple's veil in sunder breaks;
The solid marbles rend.

3 'Tis done! the precious ransom's paid!
"Receive my soul!" He cries;
See where He bows His sacred head!
He bows His head and dies!

4 But soon He'll break death's envious chain,
And in full glory shine;
O Lamb of God, was ever pain,
Was ever love, like Thine?


Listen to if here.    SAVIOR

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