Sunday, October 22, 2023


 O.       One of the most terrifying situations a person can face is to be in a boat in the midst of a storm without an anchor.  The winds may blow and the waves may pound but a good anchor can help the boat and its passengers survive.
          Boats and storms have provided the themes for many hymns.  This one, written by Lawrence Mendel Chewning Jr. in 1992, is one of my favorites.  There is so much truth and confidence when one can say "the anchor holds" in the midst of the storms of life.
          Chewning was a Christian recording artist, songwriter, and speaker who grew up in rural South Carolina as the son of a cotton farmer and merchant.   At the age of eight he accepted Christ at a country church. 
          He travelled full time with a group of his friends that formed a group band known as the Fishermen. They were together from 1970 to 1977.  In 1978 he formed Lawrence Chewning's Eastland Band.  They moved to New England where they did a number of concerts.
          But 1992 became the year of sorrows for his family, but the Lord turned it into the birth of a great song.  Here is what he had to say about these events.
My father died that year, we were facing health problems, I had come to a point of burnout from being in pastoral ministry for 19 years, and the church that I had helped plant was entering the first phases of what became a devastating split. I was also re-evaluating the focus of my calling. I was weary and discouraged. "
          "Then, in the summer of '92, my wife experienced her third miscarriage. We wept as we held the tiny 14-week fetus of our son in our hands. It truly felt as if our visions and dreams had "slipped right through like they were only grains of sand". It seemed as if the best years were over."
          "I was given a sabbatical from pastoring for six months. During that time, my wife and I grieved and prayed. I also began to play the piano again for hours at a time, alone with God. During this time of sadness and uncertainty, the Holy Spirit gave me a song which I entitled "The Anchor Holds". As I would sing it, I began to experience God's comfort and encouragement and hope. Eventually, fresh vision came and I entered a new phase of the calling on my life." 
          In the spring of 1993, an old friend heard about the song during a time of sharing together … A few months later, he called me and expressed interest in possibly recording it. I sent the song to him "in the rough" and told him that he was free to adapt it for his purposes. He did and it was released for national airplay in November 1994."
         "The response to this song has truly been overwhelming. I am so grateful that God can take our broken pieces and make something of value out of them."
          May these words be a source of encouragement to you this week in the midst of your storms.

I have journeyed through the long dark night
Out on the open sea, by faith alone,
Sight unknown; 
and yet His eyes were watching me.

The anchor holds,
Though the ship is battered.
The anchor holds,
Though the sails are torn.
I have fallen on my knees 
as I face the raging seas;
The anchor holds in spite of the storm.

I've had visions, I've had dreams,
I've even held them in my hand;
But I never knew they 
would slip right through,
Like they were only grains of sand.
I have been young but I'm older now,

And there has been beauty these eyes have seen;
But it was in the night, through the storms of my life;
Oh, that's where God proved His love for me,
The anchor holds.
I have fallen on my knees as I face the raging seas;
The anchor holds in spite of the storm.
Listen to it here.   ANCHOR

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