Sunday, August 13, 2023


          Throughout my life I have had the honor of ministering as a baritone in numerous quartets.  We sang in churches, Bible conferences and on the radio. This particular song has always been one of my favorites.
          When sharing this hymn, I am reminded of one of my most embarrassing situations.  One Sunday morning our male quartet was singing this song.  We were doing fine until we came to the phrase "And then a cloud of doubt".  Somehow each of us stumbled over these words and we broke out laughing. Unfortunately, we were not able to finish the song.  We didn't really minister, but the congregation enjoyed our failure.
          This song was written by Cleavant Derricks (1910-1977), a pastor, a choir director, 
poet, musician, and composer.  At age 21, he directed a gospel choir of more than 100 voices in Washington, D.C. at the Vermont Avenue Baptist Church. It is said that he had written more than 300 songs and several song books. Among his more famous songs are the much-recorded and performed "When God Dipped His Love In My Heart," "We'll Soon Be Done With Troubles and Trials," and "When He Blessed My Soul." He was inducted into the Gospel Music Hall of Fame in 1984.
As a young songwriter, Derricks developed a relationship with the Stamps-Baxter office in Chattanooga, run by co-owner J.R. Baxter Jr. (1887–1960). Stamps-Baxter published this gospel song in Harbor Bells No. 6 (Dallas: Stamps-Baxter, 1937). The original version had three stanzas and a refrain that I have posted in this blog.  He sold the song to Stamps-Baxter in exchange for fifty songbooks, which he then sold to others for ten cents each.
           Now despite this being one of my favorite songs, I have hesitated sharing it because I have a problem with the phrase "feel a little prayer wheel turning".  It almost makes one think that there is a Buddhist influence.  Unfortunately, it is unknown what Derricks intended by including this phrase. Those who've studied these words
 recognize their place in broader Christian practice. In the end, this song is intentionally Christian and not at all connected with Buddhism. Keep the line if you sing this song, or if you prefer, edit it as many have done.
              Don't let this controversy detract from the truth and purpose of this hymn.  We Christians have a Father who is always available and ready to listen to our concerns. He's never too busy or on vacation.  No need is too large or even too small for Him.  Are you 
Troubled?  Concerned?  Frustrated?  Worried?  Take your need to the Lord and have a little talk with Hin.  He will hear and answer and grant you peace.

Verse 1 
I once was lost in sin
But Jesus took me in
And then a little light
From heaven filled my soul
It bathed my heart in love
And wrote my name above
And just a little talk with Jesus
Made me whole
Now let us have a little talk with Jesus
Let us tell Him all about our troubles
He will hear our faintest cry
And He will answer by and by
Now when you feel a little prayer wheel turning
And you know a little fire is burning
You will find a little talk with Jesus
Makes it right (it makes it right)
Verse 2 
Sometimes my path seems drear
Without a ray of cheer
And then a cloud of doubt
May hide the light of day
The mists of sin may rise
And hide the starry skies
But just a little talk with Jesus
Clears the way
Verse 3 
I may have doubts and fears
My eyes be filled with tears
But Jesus is a friend
Who watches day and night
I go to Him in pray'r
He knows my ev'ry care
And just a little talk with Jesus
Makes it right

Listen to it here.  TALK

1 comment:

  1. Oh, Barry, we Ziegler sisters have some horror stories about giggling!! When we visited Laura & Alva in the Millersville mission church, we were to be singing. Long this had been anticipated since we were scattered during our college years. Well, sure enough, something triggered us and we had to just sit VERY embarrassing indeed. I can identify with you and your quartet buddies!!
