Sunday, July 16, 2023


          The blind man in Bethsaida was helpless and hopeless.  He wasn't able to do anything to regain his sight.  He depended upon others to get around.
          There was a man in the region of Decapolis who was deaf and mute.  He was miserable with his condition and he too wasn't able to do anything about it.
          The invalid man had lain by the side of the pool at Bethesda for thirty-eight years, unable to get into the pool when the water stirred.  He was paralyzed and also not able to do anything about it.
          Then there was the widow's son who had died and the ruler's daughter who had also died.  The parents were in deep grief but they weren't able to do anything for their children.
          These were just some who faced terrible situations but were not able to do anything to change them.
          Then one day they met the one who was able and their lives were changed.  Along came Jesus, the Son of God, who could heal and provide life.  He alone was able.
          The scripture tells us "He heals the brokenhearted and binds up their wounds."  Psalm 147:3 (NASB).  And He still does that today, for He is able! And that is the truth that stirred Dr. Paul E. Paino, the founder of Calvary Ministries International, to pen this simple but profound chorus.
          In the 1950-1960 era this chorus was a favorite in youth meetings and prayer meetings.  The message that God was able to meet all of our needs was a message and a hope that people needed.  And that need and truth is still the same today.
          We simply need to remember that the Word of God is life and health. His Word is true and trustworthy; His Word is perfect and pure, and His promises to us endure from one generation to another. And God has promised to "heal the broken-hearted and bind up their wounds."
           What He has done for others, He will do for you. Let us trust in His love, rest in His promises, and believe the truth of God's Word which tells us that "He heals the broken-hearted and binds up their wounds," and He alone is able because He went to the Cross on our account, and shed His blood to become our substitute.
            Do you have some needs that you aren't able to solve?  Then trust the Lord who is able to carry you through any situation, no matter who difficult or impossible it may seem.
He's able, He's able
I know He is able,
I know my Lord is able
to carry me through.
He's able, He's able
I know He is able,
I know my Lord is able
to carry me through.
He healed the broken-hearted
And set the captive free.
He made the lame to walk again
And caused the blind to see.
He's able, He's able
I know He is able,
I know my Lord is able
to carry me through.
Sing along with it here.   ABLE

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