Sunday, March 19, 2023


         To many Martin Luther's hymn "A Mighty Fortress", considered the "Battle Hymn" of the Reformation, is Luther's greatest work.  But Luther's much simpler and shorter hymn, "Lord, Keep Us Steadfast in Your Word", may be almost as popular. The hymn was certainly popular in the church orders of the 16th and 17th centuries, which often prescribed it as the hymn sung after the sermon every week.
          Now I must admit that I never heard this hymn despite attending the required weekly chapel services at the Lutheran university which I attended for four years.  It was my grandson, Noah, who introduced it to me and suggested that I should include it in my blog.  And that was a good suggestion.
Luther's hymn was published in 1542 when it appeared with the subtitle, "A Children's Hymn, to be Sung Against the Two Archenemies of Christ and His Holy Church, the Pope and Turk."   Luther and the Reformers' theological conflict with the various popes is well-known.  The political conflict between the Holy Roman Empire, to which the Reformers and their princes belonged, and the Turkish Ottoman Empire was also a significant factor during the time of the Reformation. 
          In Luther's day the Turks controlled not only much of the Middle East and North Africa, they also held land in southeastern Europe (modern day Greece, Bulgaria, Romania, and the Balkans).  In the early 1500's there were a series of battles in Austria and Hungary between the Turks and the Holy Roman Empire.  The siege of Vienna in the autumn of 1529 led to the decision of Emperor Charles V to call the Diet of Augsburg to unite the Holy Roman Empire against threat of Turkish invasion. In 1541 there were two additional battles between the Holy Roman Empire and the Ottoman Turks, which led Luther to pen this hymn.  The army of the Holy Roman Empire was defeated at Budapest in August, and the imperial fleet was largely destroyed near Algiers in October.
This hymn is written in a threefold, Trinitarian format.  This first verse is an appeal to God the Father to preserve us by His Word, rather than by the force of arms.  Luther does not lead his people to pray for the imperial armies or for victory in battle, but for God to sustain His people by His Word, come what may.
          In the second verse Luther emphasizes the ultimate authority of Jesus Christ with the title "Lord of lords" (Rev 17:14; 19:16).   He is Lord over all emperors, kings, presidents, or rulers of any kind.  We are in constant need of the help that only Jesus can give, and His rescue of His people always leads to praise and thanksgiving.
          The final verse calls on the Holy Spirit to send unity to the people of God, so that we work together and are not divided in the face of opposition.  Our greatest struggle is not against any earthly power, but against death itself (1 Cor 15:36).  No matter what happens in this world, we trust in the Holy Spirit to raise us from the dead and give to us eternal life.  As Luther wrote in his explanation of the third article of the Apostles' Creed, "On the Last Day [the Holy Spirit] will raise me and all the dead, and give eternal life to me and all believers in Christ."
          The hymn was translated into English by Catherine Winkworth in 1863.  She is known for her English translations of German hymns which remained close to the original.
          While written many years ago and in different times, the hymn still has a powerful and important message for believers today.  May this be our prayer today.
1      Lord, keep us steadfast in your Word;
curb those who by deceit or sword
would seek to overthrow your Son
and to destroy what he has done.
2      Lord Jesus Christ, your pow'r make 
 for you are Lord of lords 
defend your Christendom that we
may sing your praise eternally

3.    O Comforter of priceless worth,
send peace and unity on earth;
support us in our final strife
and lead us out of death to life.

Listen to it here.   STEADFAST   


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