Sunday, December 25, 2022


          Few of the many songs of Christmas so directly and profoundly share the personal appeal of Jesus Christ as "Sweet Little Jesus Boy".
          The song is mistaken by many to be an old American spiritual song sung by the slaves of the South in the 19th Century.  But it was really written in 1934 by white American composer, Robert MacCimasey (1898-1979).
          Born in Louisiana, MacGimsey was a lawyer who wrote what folks of his generation often called "black music".  He was actually raised in the company of black domestric help who gave him a rich background in the gospel music of the South.  It is said that his childhood caregiver, who he called Aunt Becky, would sing spirituals to him as a baby.
          It is said that he wanted this song to echo the sentiments of black Christians in the Civil War era.  He pictured an aging black man, whose life had been filled with poverty and injustice, "standing in the middle of a field just giving his heart to Jesus in the stillness."
          He was influenced by his circumstances one snowy Christmas Eve in New York City as he was walking past some noisy nightclubs.  He saw inebriated patrons whose celebrations had no connection with Jesus Christ and why He came.   He wondered how people could be so disconnected to the real message and history of the season.
          The lyrics of his song represent the deeper expressions of most Christians during this season.  They begin with the telling of how Christ, as a child and later as a man, would not be accepted by the world.  And as an apology to Jesus his lyrics repeat the phrase "We didn't know who you were."  He says "Didn't know You'd come to save us, Lord; To take our sins away.  Our eyes was blind, we couldn't see.  We didn't know who you was." Are things much different today?
          Though performed live on the radio for many years, "Sweet Little Jesus Boy" was made most famous in 1955 when it was released by famed gospel singer Mahalia Jackson.  Since her recording, various artists have recorded and performed this song in various ways.  It since has been a favorite of both large and small choirs.
          As we listen to this song, may we be challenged anew this holiday season of the truth of the One who came here as a baby to eventually become our Savior.  May we understand who He is and that He came to save us all, take our sins away and give us new life.
Sweet little Jesus boy, born in a manger
Sweet little Holy child, 
we didn't know who You were

Long time ago it seems, You were born
Born in a manager Lord, 
sweet little Jesus boy
Didn't know you'd come to save us all
To take our sins away
Our eyes were blind we did not see
We didn't know who You were
You have shown us how 
And we are trying
Master, You have shown us how
Even as You were dying

This world treats You mean, Lord
Treats me mean too
But that's how things are done down here
We didn't know it was You
Didn't know You'd come to save us all, 
to take our sins away
Our eyes were blind, we did not see
We didn't know who You were
Listen to it here.    SWEET

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