Sunday, October 2, 2022


          In August one of my granddaughters began her college education at my alma mater. She was the sixth of my grandchildren to attend college but the first to make the same college choice that I had made. It brought back many memories of my experiences over 60 years ago.
          Now while I had been away from home many times, especially in the summers, I remember experiencing homesickness for the first time during my first few weeks at college.  And I remember the anticipation I experienced when I was waiting for the first visit from my family.  I thought the day and then the hour of their coming would never arrive.  But finally they arrived, just as they promised
          Today believers should also anticipate the call of Jesus Christ, just as He promised.  And, the rapture could even be today.
          Mabel J. Camp (1871-1937) was a banker's daughter.  She was a gifted pianist and singer.  She married a lawyer, Norman H. Camp, and together they became Christians at one of Dwight Moody's Bible Union classes taught by William Newell.  They were members of the Moody Memorial Church.
          Mabel isn't really known for writing hymns except for this week's hymn choice.  But she too must have been living in anticipation of the Lord's coming. Before the Lord Jesus Christ left this earth to return to heaven, He said, "I will come again." These words have been the hope and comfort of millions of believers for the past twenty centuries. He, as the glorified Christ, repeated these words to the apostle John on the lonely island of Patmos. Here He sharpened His promise and delivered it in a dramatic way, "And, behold, I come quickly; and my reward is with me."  (Rev. 22:12).  And the rapture is the next promised event to occur.
          In her hymn she described the world we live in. "Dark was the night, sin warred against us; Heavy the load of sorrow we bore." "Creation waits redemption to see."  What a description for our sick world today.
          But Camp also contrasts our present world with what will happen after the rapture and the second coming of Christ. "Our hearts glow within us, joy's cup runneth o'er!"  "Thy transcendent glory forever shall shine!"  "Caught up in clouds, soon we shall meet Thee, O blessed assurance, forever with Thee!"
          So, friend, are you tired of this dark world with all of its troubles?  Are you getting homesick for heaven?  Then remember His promise to take you home.  Live daily in the anticipation that the rapture could be today.
1    Lift up your heads, pilgrims aweary,
See day's approach now crimson the sky;
Night shadows flee, and your Beloved,
Awaited with longing, at last draweth nigh.
He is coming again, 
He is coming again,
The very same Jesus, rejected of men;
He is coming again, 
He is coming again,
With pow'r and great glory, 
He is coming again!
2    Dark was the night, sin warred against us;
Heavy the load of sorrow we bore;
But now we see signs of His coming;
Our hearts glow within us, joy's cup runneth o'er! Refrain:
He is coming again, 
He is coming again,
The very same Jesus, rejected of men;
He is coming again, 
He is coming again,
With pow'r and great glory, 
He is coming again!
3    O blessed hope! O blissful promise!
Filling our hearts with rapture divine;
O day of days! Hail Thy appearing!
Thy transcendent glory forever shall shine! Refrain:
He is coming again, 
He is coming again,
The very same Jesus, rejected of men;
He is coming again, 
He is coming again,
With pow'r and great glory, 
He is coming again!
4    Even so come, precious Lord Jesus;
Creation waits redemption to see;
Caught up in clouds, soon we shall meet Thee;
O blessed assurance, forever with Thee! Refrain:
He is coming again, 
He is coming again,
The very same Jesus, rejected of men;
He is coming again, 
He is coming again,
With pow'r and great glory, 
He is coming again!
Listen to an instrumental version here.   COMING
Listen to a vocal version here.  VOCAL

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