Sunday, February 6, 2022


          Are you facing struggles as a Christian?  Do you feel weak, do dangers abound?  Do you face temptations and troubles of various kind?  Is your life full of despair and do you constantly feel sad?  If so, keep believing, Jesus is near, there's nothing to fear.
          This was the thought expressed by Lucy Milward Booth (1868-1953), the daughter of William Booth, the founder of the Salvation Army. In her teens, Lucy developed some kind of serious lung infection. Those were the days before drugs to treat such things, and it was a great worry, especially to her mother. The doctor had been summoned to their home. It was an anxious time, but Lucy was determined to keep trusting in God.
          While the doctor was speaking to her mother, Lucy went to the piano and apparently created the tune for this hymn. She also worked on the writing of the words. It was the first song she had ever written. Later, Commissioner Mildred Duff helped her with the rhyming of the words but, Lucy Booth says, "The thoughts contained in them were quite my own, and sprung from the incident ."
          Her song is honest about the struggles Christians go through in life. But there are some certainties the believer can cling to in times of trial? One is that God answers prayer (Heb. 4:15-16), and we can trust Him either to deliver us from the trouble, or give us the grace needed to sustain us through it (II Cor. 12:9).  A second confidence is that God will bring good from our difficulty in some way. The Lord is the supreme master of turning seeming disasters into blessing (Rom. 8:28). Third, we can be assured that no trial we face will last forever. There is no pain or death in the heavenly kingdom (Rev. 21:4), and with the dawning of eternity we'll also see our troubles in a clearer light (II Cor. 4:17), and praise the Lord for what He did through them.  Finally, God is God. "A God of truth and without injustice; righteous and upright is He" (Deut 32:4; Jn. 17:17)
           Booth's hymn reminds us that God is ever near.  He is your wisdom, your might and your guide.  He understands you and knows all you need.  So don't get discouraged.  Keep on believing, this is the way.

1     When you feel weakest, dangers surround,
Subtle temptations, troubles abound,
Nothing seems hopeful, nothing seems glad,
All is despairing, everything sad:
Keep on believing, Jesus is near;
Keep on believing, there's nothing to fear;
Keep on believing, this is the way;
Faith in the night as well as the day.

2     If all were easy, if all were bright,
Where would the cross be, and where the fight?
But in the hardness, God gives to you
Chances of proving that you are true.
Keep on believing, Jesus is near;
Keep on believing, there's nothing to fear;
Keep on believing, this is the way;
Faith in the night as well as the day.

3     God is your wisdom, God is your might,
God's ever near you, guiding aright;
He understands you, knows all you need;
Trusting in him you'll surely succeed.
Keep on believing, Jesus is near;
Keep on believing, there's nothing to fear;
Keep on believing, this is the way;
Faith in the night as well as the day.

4     Let us press on then, never despair,
Live above feeling, victory's there;
Jesus can keep us so near to him
That nevermore our faith shall grow dim
Keep on believing, Jesus is near;
Keep on believing, there's nothing to fear;
Keep on believing, this is the way;
Faith in the night as well as the day.

Listen to it here.   KEEP ON.

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