Sunday, February 27, 2022


TIMELESS HYMNS - A feature in which I choose a former blog, revise and edit it, and post it once again.  This particular hymn received more comments than any that I have shared here.  It was posted on January 18, 2009 and September 27, 2009

          Recently one of my grandchildren said to me that kids should be paid for going to school.  I heard that comment many times over 39 years of teaching and I gave the same answer I always have given. Your do get paid.  What you do now provides you with income the rest of your life and the better you prepare now, the greater will be your return throughout life.  Now most don't want to hear that since it is hard to labor for what appears to be nothing when the real reward may be many years away. 
           But isn't it the same in ministry?   So often God's children appear to work so hard, often without any thanks and without any apparent reward.  Ministry can at times be hard and lonely with long hours and many frustrations. Often there is criticism of what you do.   We often want to quit - and many do.  
          But a time is coming when faithful servants will be rewarded beyond comprehension.  So we need to faithfully move on with the final goal in sight.  Then it will be worth all the toil and effort - then the sun will shine through the clouds once again. As my grandfather used to say, we just need to "keep looking up!", For there will be a time, hopefully very soon, when we shall understand fully and then we will testify, as Esther Kerr Rusthoi (1909-1962), the writer of this week's hymn, has, "It will be worth it all when we see Jesus". 
          So believer, if you find yourself today in one of those impossible situations of life, look to Jesus, knowing that He is with you and in control and one day soon your trials will seem so small when you are finally with Him.   
          Meditate on the words of this great hymn and be challenged to renew your service for the Lord and "keep on going on".

(1)   Oft' times the day seems long,
Our trials hard to bear;
We're tempted to complain,
To murmur and despair;
But Christ will soon appear,
To catch His Bridge away,
All tears forever over
In God's eternal day.
It will be worth it all
When we see Jesus;
Life trials will seem so small
When we see Christ.
One glimpse of His dear face,
All sorrow will erase,
So bravely run the race
'Til we see Christ.

(2)   Sometimes the sky looks dark
With not a ray of light
We're tossed and driven on
No human help in sight
But there is One in Heaven
Who knows our deepest care
Let Jesus solve your problem
Just go to Him in prayer
It will be worth it all
When we see Jesus;
Life trials will seem so small
When we see Christ.
One glimpse of His dear face,
All sorrow will erase,
So bravely run the race
'Til we see Christ.

(3).     Life's day will soon be o're,
all storms forever past;
We'll cross the great divide
to Glory, safe at last!
We'll share the joys of heaven:
a harp, a home, a crown;
The tempter will be banished,
We'll lay our burdens down.
It will be worth it all
When we see Jesus;
Life trials will seem so small
When we see Christ.
One glimpse of His dear face,
All sorrow will erase,
So bravely run the race
'Til we see Christ.

You can hear the words and music at this site.    WORTH

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