Sunday, January 23, 2022


          I thank the Lord that He allowed me to be born into an earthly family that loved and served the Lord.  For several generations my family members have modeled Christ to me.  There was plenty of love, respect, acceptance, guidance and Biblical teaching throughout my life.
          Sadly not everybody has the same testimony and legacy.  Many families must deal with differences, separation, divorce and even death.  Many children must grow up without any Biblical training.  Satan has been busy for centuries attacking families.  And he has been very successful in doing so.
          But fortunately, no matter what one's earthly home might be like, it is possible for all to belong to the an eternal family, the family of God.  By accepting his free gift of salvation you can be born into this family where there is love, respect, guidance, daily provision and an eternal hope.  It includes those of every race, tongue and nation.
          Bill and Gloria Gaither wrote a very simple but profound song about this family and that is the choice for this week.  Gloria shared how this song was written.  It involved Ron and Darlene Garner and their three children, a young family in Gaither's church in Indiana.  Here is what she has shared.
       "It was the Saturday after Good Friday that Ron went in for work at the garage where he was serving as a mechanic. He was making up time that he had taken off the previous Thursday to take his little daughter for some tests prior to some anticipated heart surgery.
       While Ron was working with combustible material, there was an explosion. He managed to crash his way through the large double doors before the building blew apart and went up in flames, but he was severely burned over most of his body.
       Ron was alive but was not expected to make it through the night. Within minutes a chain of telephone calls alerted the family of God, and the whole church began to pray for Ron.  Little groups, bigger groups, in homes, at the church, over the phone. The church building was kept open, and lights burned all through the night as a steady stream of folks who cared and loved came to talk to Jesus about this young father.
       Easter morning the sun rose on a sanctuary filled with a bleary-eyed congregation. The pastor came in with a report from the hospital.  Ron has outlived the deadline. The doctor says he has a chance.
       For the Body of Christ, that news was better than eight hours of sleep and a good breakfast. New life was infused into us all. Tears of praise and joy began to flow, and our hope and gratitude poured itself into the glorious songs of Easter. Jesus lives, and because He lives, we too shall live!
       With the words of victory we pledged ourselves to what would lie ahead: help with the children, many long trips to the hospital, blood for transfusions, money, meals - long months of support while the healing process went on.
       On our way home from church that morning Bill and I were so full of the beauty of it all that we could hardly speak. Finally, we said to each other what we had come to realize through all this: They'd do that for us, too!
       It was almost too good to realize, but it was true! We aren't very model church members. The function we fill in the Body of Christ takes us away from a lot of the activities of our congregation. We're never available on Fridays and Saturdays. We arrive early on Sunday mornings to get our children to their Sunday school and church, but we can't be counted to teach a class with a schedule like that.
       But they'd do the same thing for us if we were the part of the Body that was suffering! Not because we were worthy or had earned special treatment or were indispensable - but just because we were a part of the Family of God!
       As I started dinner, Bill sat down at the piano. It wasn't long before the magnetism of the chorus Bill was singing drew me from the kitchen to the piano, and we finished the song that was to feed us better than any other food."
(1) You will notice we say "brother
and sister" 'round here-
It's because we're a family
and these folks are so near;
When one has a heartache
we all share the tears,
And rejoice in each victory
In this family so dear.
 I'm so glad I'm a part
of the family of God-
I've been washed in the fountain,
cleansed by His blood!
Joint heirs with Jesus
as we travel this sod,
For I'm part of the family,
the family of God.
(2) From the door of an orphanage
to the house of the King-
No longer an outcast,
a new song I sing;
From rags unto riches,
from the weak to the strong,
I'm not worthy to be here,
But, praise God, I belong!
 I'm so glad I'm a part
of the family of God-
I've been washed in the fountain,
cleansed by His blood!
Joint heirs with Jesus
as we travel this sod,
For I'm part of the family,
the family of God.

Listen to it here.    FAMILY

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