Sunday, August 1, 2021


         The pandemic resulted in times of loneliness, discouragement and depression for many.  The isolation, separation from friends and family, changes in normal routines and work and fear of covid often made life difficult to live with.  Times of encouragement often were infrequent or in some cases completely absent from our lives.  During those long months calls from our family often brightened our days.  And every once in awhile we would receive an e-mail or a note that surprised us and encouraged us.  These were special.
           We too tried to encourage others as well, using phone calls, birthday wishes and special notes and e-mails.  We tried to enlighten the lives of others who we missed seeing.   As we did this an old song that we used to sing when I was a child often came to my mind.  We need to brighten the '"corner" where folks are, not only during a pandemic but regularly.  We all need to be encouraged.
          Early in her life, Ina Duley Ogden (1872 - 1964) had hoped to preach on the Chautauqua circuit. However, her father's illness forced her to abandon her plans for an evangelistic career to care for him at home. She wrote: "My father went with my mother to her church after his marriage to her, so I was brought up in the church of the Disciples of Christ."   She wrote the encouraging words of this song showing how one can serve the Lord in many different ways and circumstances. In other words, make the best of where you find yourself.  She wrote over three thousand hymns, anthems, cantatas, and miscellaneous verse.  This song  was written in 1912 and published it in 1913.
          We are reminded by Jesus in Matthew 5:14-16, "Ye are the light of the world. A city that is set on an hill cannot be hid.   Neither do men light a candle, and put it under a bushel, but on a candlestick; and it giveth light unto all that are in the house.  Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in heaven."  So we need to let our light shine to help and encourage others wherever they are or whatever their situation.  Don't let your light be hidden.
          While doing some research on this song I came upon an interesting poem on a similar theme, wriiten by  Helen Sterner Rice.

We cannot all be famous or be listed in "WHO'S WHO,"
But every person great or small has important work to do,
For seldom do we realize the importance of small deeds
Or to what degree of greatness unnoticed kindness leads
For it's not the big celebrity in a world of fame and praise,
But it's doing unpretentiously in undistinguished ways
The work that God assigned to us, unimportant as it seems,
That makes our task outstanding and brings reality to dreams
So do not sit and idly wish for wider, new dimensions
Where you can put in practice your many "GOOD INTENTIONS"
But at the spot God placed you begin at once to do
Little things to brighten up the lives surrounding you,
For if everybody brightened up the spot in which they're standing
By being more considerate and a little less demanding,
This dark old world would very soon eclipse the "Evening Star"

          The message of this song is simple, but biblically sound. Perhaps we all have grand dreams of spectacular things we could do for God. They may be practical, or they may not be. But the counsel of the song is do what you can do now, and the Lord may move you on to greater things in time to come. In the meantime, bloom where you're planted.  And do today what you can do to encourage others.  In doing that you too will be encouraged.

1.    Do not wait until some deed of greatness you may do,
Do not wait to shed your light afar;
To the many duties ever near you now be true,
Brighten the corner where you are.
Brighten the corner where you are!
Brighten the corner where you are!
Someone far from harbor you may guide across the bar;
Brighten the corner where you are!

2.    Just above are clouded skies that you may help to clear,
Let not narrow self your way debar;
Though into one heart alone may fall your song of cheer,
Brighten the corner where you are.
Brighten the corner where you are!
Brighten the corner where you are!
Someone far from harbor you may guide across the bar;
Brighten the corner where you are!

3.    Here for all your talent you may surely find a need,
Here reflect the bright and Morning Star;
Even from your humble hand the Bread of Life may feed,
Brighten the corner where you are
Brighten the corner where you are!
Brighten the corner where you are!
Someone far from harbor you may guide across the bar;
Brighten the corner where you are!.

Listen to it here.    BRIGHTEN

1 comment:

  1. Thank you, Barry, for your rendition of this old hymn. Very nicely done!
