Sunday, July 4, 2021


          "In God We Trust" is the official motto of the United States.  It was adopted by the U.S. Congress in 1956, replacing E pluribus unum, which had been the de facto motto since the initial 1776 design of the Great Seal of the United States.
          While the earliest mentions of the phrase can be found in the mid-18th century, the origins of this phrase as a political motto lie in the American Civil War, where Union supporters wanted to emphasize their attachment to God and to boost morale. The capitalized form "IN GOD WE TRUST" first appeared on the two-cent piece in 1864 and has appeared on paper currency since 1957 and on post stamps since 1954. A law passed in a Joint Resolution by the 84th Congress and approved by President Dwight Eisenhower on July 30, 1956, requires that "In God We Trust" appear on all American currency.
          Over the years numerous groups and people have objected to its use, contending that its religious reference violates the Establishment Clause of the First Amendment. These groups believe the phrase should be removed from currency and public property and this has resulted in numerous lawsuits.   But the motto remains popular among the American public. According to a 2003 joint poll by USA Today, CNN, and Gallup, 90% of Americans support the inscription "In God We Trust" on U.S. coins.  However, a 2019 student poll by College Pulse showed that only 53% of students supported its inclusion in currency.  Support for the phrase might be decreasing today.
          Now as we celebrate another Independence Day we can't help but wonder if the motto really means anything to the citizens of the United States today.  It is easy to conclude that it doesn't.  Just look at recent events and you can see that other political slogans and decisions seem to indicate an attempt to remove God and trust in other groups and movements.  God is no longer "in" today.  Trusting in God for many is a thing from the past and not relevant in today's society.
          However, a more important issue might be are you, as an individual, trusting in God?   Have you put your trust in Him for salvation?  Do you really trust Him for daily leading and provision?   Do you spend time with Him each day?  Does your life show a trust in God in all things?  Do you trust Him in both the good and bad times?  Can you sincerely say in "God I trust" and does your life demonstrate that fact?
          Numerous song writers have attempted to write music on this topic.  Some that I have found have been very weak but there are a few that are worth considering today.
          I  found one by an Adam Morgan that I think is appropriate for us to consider as believers on this Independence Day.  He has written "In God we trust, in God alone!   We put our faith in Him who sits on heaven's throne. Though men of earth will rise and fall,  Our only hope is in the Lord of all,  In God we trust, in God alone."  How true that is.  All things change except for God.  He is the same yesterday, today and will be forever.
          I believe Morgan's final prayer in his song is also appropriate for the times in which we live.  "If persecution soon will come, Help me to stand if all alone, And though my life He May call forth, God's kingdom is not of this earth!"  But there is no need to face persecution alone - He will always be with is, even through the fiery furnace.
          Consider these words on this Independence Day and choose to put your faith and life and trust in God alone!  Nothing else can be trusted.

We pray for peace, And plead for grace.
We bow our knees in humbleness,
We cry to God to heal our land,
Forgive our sins, and cleanse our hands!

In God we trust, in God alone!
We put our faith in Him who sits on heaven's throne.
Though men of earth will rise and fall,
Our only hope is in the Lord of all,
In God we trust, in God alone.

Oh, let us rest in God's control,
And honor those He put in power,
For hearts of kings are in His hands,
All nations turn at His command.

Protect the weak, establish law,
Honor the right, punish the wrong,
May this be true, of those who lead,
Oh men of faith now intercede!

In God we trust, in God alone!
We put our faith in Him who sits on heaven's throne.
Though men of earth will rise and fall,
Our only hope is in the Lord of all,
In God we trust, in God alone.

If persecution soon will come,
Help me to stand if all alone,
And though my life He May call forth,
God's kingdom is not of this earth!

In God we trust, in God alone!
We put our faith in Him who sits on heaven's throne.
Though men of earth will rise and fall,
Our only hope is in the Lord of all,
In God we trust, in God alone.

Listen to it here   TRUST

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