Sunday, January 17, 2021


           2020 was a very challenging year for all of us.  It seems that almost daily we would face new problems ... Covid19, natural disasters, racial problems, protests, violence, elections, international conflicts, unemployment, hits to retirement funds, personal problems, rises in the cost of living, isolation and loneliness, and much more.  
           It has been so easy to get discouraged and even lose hope.  But for the child of God there is hope and the promise of an exciting future.  One day, hopefully soon, the Lord will take us out of this mess here on earth and we will be with Him eternally. He has promised to do that and He has never failed to do what He has promised.  And so then we will be able to shout "Goodbye world, goodbye!"  And what a thrill that will be!  
          That was the hope of writer Mosie Lister (1921-2015) when in 1952 he shared that hope when he composed this week's song choice.  Mr. Lister's main message in this piece reflects confidence in knowing that life is eternal and does not end with physical death.  Not only are the words true and encouraging, they are set in a lively upbeat jazzy-ragtime quality that is just fun to sing and play.  You can't hear or sing this piece without getting excited knowing that you are bound for that land in the sky. Just think of the glories of heaven.  
          The Bible speaks of its mansions, streets of gold, foundations of jewels, its river of life, the endless fellowship without sorrow, death, pain or tears. There will be blessed reunions with our loved ones.  But most of all - Jesus will be there.  As Billy Graham once said - "the most thrilling thing about heaven is that Jesus Christ will be there.  I will see Him face to face."  And our eternity in heaven is secure through Christ.  So don't be discouraged by all the cares and fears of this world, for one day soon your feet won't  stay on the ground and you will shout goodbye world goodbye!

I told all my troubles "Goodbye"
Goodbye to each tear and each sigh
This world where I roam cannot be my home
I'm bound for that land in the sky

I walk and I talk with my Lord
I feast every day on His Word
Heaven is near and I can't stay here
Goodbye World Goodbye

Now don't you weep for me when I'm gone
'Cause I won't have to leave here alone
And when I hear that last trumpet sound
My feet won't stay on the ground
Goin' rise with a shout, goin' fly
Ride with my Lord through the sky
Heaven is near and I can't stay here
Goodbye World Goodbye

Well I won't have the blues anymore
When I step across to that shore
And I'll never pine for I'll leave behind
My heartaches and tears evermore

A day maybe two then Goodbye
Tomorrow I'll rise up and fly
Heaven is near and I can't stay here
Goodbye World Goodbye

Now don't you weep for me when I'm gone
'Cause I won't have to leave here alone
And when I hear that last trumpet sound
My feet won't stay on the ground
Goin' rise with a shout, goin' fly
Goin' rise with my Lord through the sky
Heaven is near and I can't stay here
Goodbye World Goodbye 
Listen to it here.   GOODBYE

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