Sunday, November 8, 2020


        My grandfather, N. H. Wolf, was a pastor for over 60 years.  When he was serving at a church in Bethlehem, PA, he once came out of his home the morning after Halloween and found that his gate was missing.  Frustrated he looked all around but without any success.  Then he saw a young lad playing and asked him if he knew where the gate had gone.  He offered the lad a nickel for information - remember a nickel meant much more in those days than it does today.  The lad replied, "look up".  He did and there was his gate - hanging in the tree.  From that day on "keep looking up" became one of my grandfather's favorite expressions.  
          And that really was sound advice.  Psalm 121:1, "I will lift up mine eyes unto the hills, from whence cometh my help."  Indeed our only hope comes from the Lord and we need to learn to look to Him for His guidance and strength.  In times like these we have the tendency to look elsewhere for help - the internet, books, friends, coworkers, etc.  But maybe in the days we are living in with Covid, election results, protests, racial problems and all sorts of pressures, maybe we need to take the advice to "look up",
          I'm reminded of one of my favorite  hymns, "Turn your eyes upon Jesus".  What good advice!   And we should also look up because our redemption draweth nigh.  Luke 21:28 "And when these things begin to come to pass, then look up, and lift up your heads; for your redemption draweth nigh".  One day, hopefully soon, we will be drawn up to be with our Savior eternally.  And there will not be any coronavirus there. 
          Members of my family remember well how my grandfather would greet people by saying "Keep looking up!"  I  too often use that comment in conversations.  A few weeks ago a cousin found a song written by Robert Lowry with the title "Looking Up!"  She sent me a copy of the music but I have not been able to find any information about it nor can I find any recording or video of it being sung.  So, unlike my other blogs, I am just posting the words here for your encouragement.

1.     Keep looking up. keep looking up,
The mists will clear away;
In God's own time His loving hand
Will brighten up the day.
Keep looking up, keep looking up,
The mists will clear away;
In God's own time His loving hand
Will brighten all the day.

2.     Keep looking up, keep looking up, 
The eternal hills are there;
Far, far beyond these gloomy clouds
Are treasures rich and rare,
Keep looking up, keep looking up,
The mists will clear away;
In God's own time His loving hand
Will brighten all the day.

3.    Keep looking up, keep looking up
With Faith's aspiring eye,
The promise is that help will come
From Him who dwells on high.
Keep looking up, keep looking up,
The mists will clear away;
In God's own time His loving hand
Will brighten all the day.

4.     Lift up thine eyes, lift up thine eyes
And take the outstretched hand;
'Tis Jesus bids thee struggle on,
And victor thou shalt stand
Keep looking up, keep looking up,
The mists will clear away;
In God's own time His loving hand
Will brighten all the day.
The days we are now experiencing are difficult, challenging, and even dangerous.   But God is good and He is in control.  Trust Him and keeping looking up!

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