Sunday, May 31, 2020


ALERT - We have just been informed that the operators of our blog software plan to make significant changes to the software in June and August.  We don't know yet what these changes will involve nor if they will prevent us from continuing to post blogs using our computers.  About a year ago similar changes were made by our web supplier and we have no longer been able to reach or operate our web site.  We are warning you that this could happen to us again and we might then need to eliminate our blogs.  We are praying that this doesn't happen, but should the blogs no longer be updated each week you will know what has happened.  Continuing then might require us to invest in new and expensive hardware and that might be impossible since we are retired and living on a fixed income.  So we will just need to wait and see what happens.  Thanks for your visits and support over the years.  We just hope it can continue.

1 comment:

  1. Your blog is a new discovery to me and what a treasure it is. I will be praying that by the Lord's power and night, He will enable you to continue this ministry to people like me who have a huge and tender spot for hymns. Blessings!
