Sunday, February 23, 2020


        Most of us probably grew up singing this simple song, possibly at a summer camp or youth rally.  It actually was made popular by the Billy Graham crusades.  But it has become controversial and has been eliminated from numerous hymnbooks. Due to the lyrics' focus on the believer's own commitment, some cite it as a prime example of decision theology, emphasizing the human response rather than the action of God in giving faith.   For others, it is a song celebrating the simplicity of conversion, simple and sincere.  But when you know the story behind the song, you realize that it is not a statement about free will, nor about the ease of placing your faith in Christ. it actually stands as a monument to the international nature of the gospel, as well as a call to suffer and die with Jesus. It was written by Simon Marak, from Jorhat, Assam. The lyrics are based on the last words of Nokseng, a Garo man, a tribe from Meghalaya which then was in Assam. He, along with his family, decided to follow Jesus Christ in the middle of the 19th century through the efforts of an American Baptist missionary. Called to renounce his faith by the village chief, the convert declared, "I have decided to follow Jesus." His two children were killed. In response to threats to his wife, he continued, "Though no one join me, still I will follow." His wife was killed, and he was executed while singing, "The world behind me, the cross before me." This display of faith is reported to have led to the conversion of the chief and others in the village. Such fierce opposition was possible because various tribes in that area were formerly known for headhunting.  The writing of this hymn is credited to the Indian missionary Sadhu Sundar Singh. The melody is also Indian, and entitled "Assam" after the region where the text originated.   An American hymn editor, William Jensen Reynolds, composed the arrangement which we are familiar with today.   So as you sing this song in the future remember that it does not not capture the ease of making a decision, but rather it is about the staggering cost of picking up your cross and following after Christ.   Reflect on this throughout the coming week.  Could you or would you make the same public decision as Nokseng did?

1    I have decided to follow Jesus;
I have decided to follow Jesus;
I have decided to follow Jesus;
no turning back, no turning back.

2    Though none go with me, I still will follow;
though none go with me, I still will follow;
though none go with me, I still will follow;
no turning back, no turning back.

3    The world behind me, the cross before me;
the world behind me, the cross before me;
the world behind me, the cross before me;
no turning back, no turning back.

Listen to it here.   DECIDED
       or   STORY

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