Welcome!  Hymns have been and continue to be a real source of inspiration to me.  My desire in this blog is to share special hymns with my readers hoping that the words will minister to them, especially in times of great personal need.  If one of these hymns ministers to you, please take time to leave a comment so that I know that my blog is helping others as much as it helps me. Sometimes I will also provide a link where you can go to hear the hymn played.  So, please join me here each week and sing along as we praise God together.

Sunday, February 9, 2020


          The older we become the more common it is to see our good friends and relatives deal with difficult physical challenges.  Many have knee and hip replacements.  Many are dealing with arthritis and using canes and walkers.  Some have heart problems, strokes and lung problems.   Many are dealing with diabetes.  Many die too early in life.  But then we become part of the same group with our own physical challenges.  Often they come on so unexpectedly and our lives change.  I often ask, how did I get this old this fast?  It just happens!  But for the believer there is coming a time when there will no longer be pain or aches or headaches or the need for canes or even doctors.  Someday those who have been redeemed by the blood of Christ will meet in heaven, Hallelujah Square, where all will be healed and perfect with new bodies. And that is the theme of this week's song choice written by Roy Claxton Acuff (1903 - 1992).  Now while I've included this song in my blog because of its encouragement, I do have two concerns about it.  First the words are not correct. "I'll see all my friends in Hallelujah Square, what a wonderful time we'll all have up there."  ... "we'll all live forever in Hallelujah Square! ".  Not true!  All of our friends might not be there, just those who are born again and have their names written in the Lamb's Book of Life.  Will you be there?  My second problem is that I have found no evidence that the writer was a believer or that he even wrote other hymns.  The author was known as the "King of Country Music"  He gained fame as the singer and fiddler for his group, the Smoky Mountain Boys. He joined the Grand Ole Opry in 1938,  Acuff and Fred Rose founded Acuff-Rose Music, the first major Nashville-based country music publishing company,   But, as I said, I could find no information about his spiritual life.  Did the words of this song have any real meaning to him?  I don't know.  But the message of the song probably spoke to the crowds who were facing their many physical challenges.  For believers the words provide comfort and hope.   For them there is coming a day of healing and rejoicing in "Hallelujah Square". "And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come back and take you to be with me that you also may be where I am"  John 14:3   "'He will wipe every tear from their eyes. There will be no more death' or mourning or crying or pain, for the old order of things has passed away."   Revelation 21:4.  I am looking forward to that time when I will be cancer and pain free and with other saints will be rejoicing around the Father's throne.  What about you?

1.     I saw a blind man tapping along, losing his way,
as he 
passed through the throng
Tears filled my eyes, I said, "
Friend you can't see," but, with a smile on his face,
replied to me
I'll see all my friends in Hallelujah Square,
what a 
wonderful time we'll all have up there
We'll sing and praise Jesus,
His glory to share, and you'll 
not see
one blind man in Hallelujah Square

2.     Now, I saw a cripple dragging his feet,
he couldn't walk 
like we do down the street
I said, "My friend, I feel sorry for you,"
but he said, "
Up in Heaven, I'm gonna walk just like you."
I'll see all my friends in Hallelujah Square,
what a 
wonderful time we'll all have up there
We'll sing and praise Jesus,
His glory to share, and you'll
not see one cripple in Hallelujah Square

3.     And I saw an old man, gasping for breath,
soon he'd be gone,
as his eyes closed in death
He looked at me and said, "
Friend don't look so blue, for I'm going up to Heaven,
how about you?"
I'll see all my friends in Hallelujah Square,
what a 
wonderful time we'll all have up there
We'll sing and praise Jesus, His glory to share,
and we'll 
all live forever in Hallelujah Square!

Listen to it here.   HALLELUJAH


Irene said...

Correction: Roy Acuff recorded the song but he DID NOT write it. The composer was Ray Overholt, one of the first TV singing cowboys. He became a born again believer in 1958 and is known for another hymn "Ten Thousand Angels".

John said...

It is such a beautiful song of inspiration.
The song gives us hope beyond this earthly reign.
It is so sweet to know that the writer found
his way home through the redeeming blood of Jesus...
Amen for Hallelujah Square....I hope to see you there..