Sunday, September 15, 2019


          If you are a parent you will no doubt remember how when your children were growing up they needed you whenever they got hurt or had a problem, no matter how minor it may have been.  There was something healing about a hug or a kiss from mother or dad.  And even as they grew up there was always something special about advice and help from parents.  Often you needed them.  And we likewise need help as we face the challenges of life - we need someone - we need Jesus.  And He is always there to comfort and guide His children. Personally, the older I get it seems the more my prayers contain the plea, Lord I need you.  For there is no other way to get the help I need. George Orlia Webster (1866 - 1942)  was the son of a Baptist minister who later became a pastor himself.  He is said to have written several hundred hymns and other songs, but few of them survive today.  This particular one grew out of his conviction that Christians needed to get together more instead of remaining hostile to one another, crouched behind denominational walls. He said he was sitting on the porch of his cottage one afternoon thinking how foolish it was for Christians to be unhappily divided. "After all," he said to himself, "we all need Jesus." And looking into his own heart he confessed, "I need Jesus." It was then that this week's song was born.  Jesus alone is the answer to our soul's deepest needs. As Webster's hymn says, " I need Jesus ... every day ... in the sunshine hour ...when the storm clouds lower ... every day, along my way.... yes, I need Jesus!"   If you are fortunate you may have a few close friends here on earth.  Many don't.  But even the best of friends don't have the wisdom or the ability to help you solve earth's pressing problems.  And no friend here on earth can provide eternal salvation.  Do you recognize the need for Jesus in your life?  He has promised never to leave or forsake His children and He never has and never will.  Yes, we need Jesus!

1.     I need Jesus, my need I now confess;
No friend like Him in times of deep distress;
I need Jesus, the need I gladly own;
Though some may bear their load alone,
  Yet I need Jesus.
  I need Jesus, I need Jesus,
  I need Jesus every day;
Need Him in the sunshine hour,
Need Him when the storm-clouds low'r;
Every day along my way,
    Yes, I need Jesus.

2     I need Jesus, I need a friend like Him,
A friend to guide when paths of life are dim;
I need Jesus, when foes my soul assail;
Alone I know I can but fail,
  So I need Jesus.
I need Jesus, I need Jesus,
  I need Jesus every day;
Need Him in the sunshine hour,
Need Him when the storm-clouds low'r;
Every day along my way,
    Yes, I need Jesus.

3     I need Jesus, I need Him to the end;
No one like Him, He is the sinner's friend;
I need Jesus, no other friend will do;
So constant, kind, so strong and true,
  Yes, I need Jesus.
I need Jesus, I need Jesus,
  I need Jesus every day;
Need Him in the sunshine hour,
Need Him when the storm-clouds low'r;
Every day along my way,
    Yes, I need Jesus.

Because this song is old and seldom sung anymore it was very  hard to find a video to share with you.  But here is one for you to listen to.  I am sorry that it isn't a very good one.     NEED.

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