Sunday, July 14, 2019


        Dony and Reba Rambo-McGuire were invited to vacation with their friends on a houseboat on a lake near Nashville.  They had determined to work diligently on their song writing during that time, and they did so. They prayed earnestly that the Lord would do something special through them that week. At the end of the week they had completed a number of songs and done some work on a musical. According to Reba, "On the very last morning we were to be on the boat, Dony got up very early to try to catch a catfish for breakfast ... I was so full of faith in his fishing ability that I proceeded to the kitchen and started to cook bacon and eggs ... The sun was peeking over the hills and a mist was rising from the water. It was a glorious morning. I looked out of a small porthole and caught a glimpse of Dony with a strange look on his face. ... I couldn't explain it, but I knew something good was about to happen. I turned off the burners where I was cooking and removed the food. I gathered our song writing materials and sat down to wait for him to come in ... When he came in a few minutes later, he sat down before a small electric piano and began to play. As he played what the Lord was giving to him, I began to write lyrics as they were being given to me. That kind of inspiration had only occurred a few times in our short song writing career together. It was as if God was saying, 'You've been faithful in your praying and studying for a week, now I'm going to give you something just because I have the power to do so.' I wrote as fast as I could write while Dony continued to play. We both completed the whole composition and have never changed a word or the musical setting ... It became our 'little lake song.' We used it for a time around our offices as a devotional song and sang it at a few small churches. One day Bill Gaither came by our offices and heard us singing it during one of our devotional periods. He asked where we got it. We told him it was our 'lake song.' He expressed such a keen interest in it that Dony made a tape of it for him. That started it on its way."   The result of their "little lake song" was a beautiful song of praise of the only One who can make a perfect heart.  For 25 years we had a family ministry and while we were setting up our equipment for a Sunday morning program I would often play a tape of this song.  It would calm my spirit and prepare my heart for worship and ministry.  It would also remind me that the One who we were representing is the only one who could change the hearts of those who would be in attendance that day.  May the Lord use this song to calm your spirit today as you are filled with love as He makes in you a new and perfect heart.

Morning song, the light of creation
Grassy fields, of velvet flow
Silver clouds are shimmering curtain
God has designed a perfect world

I am amazed at His talents
I stand in awe of One so great
And now my soul begins to sing out
To the source from which it came

Bless the Lord
Who reigns in beauty
Bless the Lord
Who reigns with wisdom and in power
Bless the Lord
Who reigns my life with so much love
He will make in me a new and perfect heart

Bless the Lord
Who reigns in beauty
Bless the Lord
Who reigns with wisdom and in power
Bless the Lord
Who reigns my life with so much love
He will make in me a new and perfect heart

God will make in me a new and perfect heart
A new, a perfect heart

Bless the Lord who reigns in beauty
Bless the Lord who reigns with wisdom and with power
Bless the Lord who reigns my life with so much love
He can make a perfect heart

Listen to it here (you may need to skip the ad if it appears).   PERFECT


  1. We sang the Perfect Heart song at our wedding but we had a broken heart throughout 34 years of marriage. Then sang it at my husband's funeral . He died on 3 Kings Day January 6th 2023. Knowing he finally got his perfect heart in Heaven.

  2. I will continue to pray for your family as you go through this first Christmas without you husband. Randy
