Sunday, March 24, 2019


          In today's society it has become increasingly necessary that folks become life long learners.  The expansion of technology, especially computers and the internet, have rapidly changed the way we live and do business.  Many workers need to continually upgrade their knowledge and skills to maintain and keep their jobs.  Much of what was taught in schools years ago is becoming obsolete.  But while we have the need to grow intellectually, there is a much greater need for us to grow spiritually.  And yet that need is so often neglected by believers.   Since whatever absorbs our thinking will ultimately control our actions, it is so important for a Christian to let the way of the Lord become the controlling force in his life. The means by which we can learn the way of the Lord is by knowing what He has revealed in the scripture. Thus, our prayer to Him should always be, "Teach Me Thy Way."  This prayer is the title and theme of this week's hymn choice.  The text was written and the tune (Camacha) were both composed by Benjamin Mansell Ramsey (1849-1923) in 1916. For many years he was a well-known teacher and musician in the Bournemouth, England, area. He was a prolific composer of part-songs (usually SATB), piano pieces, and carols. In addition, he produced works on music theory and a number of hymns.  After 1920, this hymn began to have wide popular usage among student groups in England.  It gradually spread to sincere believers in other places who genuinely desired to have a greater knowledge of their Lord. It makes this request in several specific areas by which the Lord can help us walk in His way.  Stanza one asks that He help us walk more by faith and less by sight.  Stanza two asks that He help us in times of loneliness, distress, and failure. Stanza three asks that He help us by making our pathway plain.  Stanza four asks that He help us by being with us as long as we run the race.  The hymn is actually a practical daily prayer for believers.  We should want to learn more about His ways daily, even when we are sad or lonely, in times of success and failure, through times of sorrow, grief and pain, "wherever our lot may be cast". Learning the ways of the Lord should be a daily goal.  "Until the race is run, until the journey's done, until the crown is won, teach me Your way!"  Lord, that is our prayer.  "Help me to walk aright, more by faith, less by sight; lead me with heavenly light, teach me Your way!"  Is that your desire?

1      Teach me Your way, O Lord, teach me Your way!
Your guiding grace afford, teach me Your way!
Help me to walk aright, more by faith, less by sight;
lead me with heavenly light, teach me Your way!

2      When I am sad at heart, teach me Your way!
When earthly joys depart, teach me Your way!
In hours of loneliness, in times of dire distress,
in failure or success, teach me Your way!

3      When doubts and fears arise, teach me Your way!
When storm clouds fill the skies, teach me Your way!
Shine through the wind and rain, through sorrow, grief and pain;
make now my pathway plain, teach me Your way!

4      Long as my life shall last, teach me Your way!
Where'er my lot be cast, teach me Your way!
Until the race is run, until the journey's done,
until the crown is won, teach me Your way!

Listen to men sing the first verse   MEN
Listen to a beautiful rendition by children   CHILDREN
Listen to it here.   THY WAY

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