Sunday, October 21, 2018


        Often hymns bring back memories from my childhood, especially some of the old hymns that we no longer sing in church.   I recall prayer meetings when it was common for those in the congregation to start choruses and hymns that were then sung by those in attendance without books or a piano.  The same was true of baptisms held in a river when we would sing as friends were baptized.  And one of those hymns that was sung so often at those times is this week's hymn choice, "I Can Hear My Savior Calling".  This hymn is said to have been written in 1980 by a Ernest W. Blandy.  But the inspiration for this hymn actually began years before at the Sea of Galilee. As Jesus was walking by (see Matthew 4:18-21) He saw two fishermen, Andrew and his brother Peter, throwing their nets into the sea trying to catch their day's supply of fish. Andrew heard Jesus talking to Simon Peter, "Come, follow Me, and I will show you how to fish for people!"  Perhaps Peter thought, "How can we fish for people? We are just plain, simple fishermen putting out our nets in the sea every day, spending many hours by the sea.  Peter might have said, "We can't follow You; we have so many things to do and to take care of. Don't you know we are so very busy?"  But Andrew and Simon Peter found themselves responding as though something inside them quickened their reply. Truly it was the gentle but firm nudge of the Holy Spirit.  Often it only takes a second to know the voice of God!  Immediately, Peter and Andrew left their nets and followed Jesus.  Then Jesus saw two more brothers, James and John, the sons of Zebedee. They both were in a boat mending their nets.  Jesus called out the same words and Immediately both James and John found themselves dropping their nets, and climbing out of their boat. They left their boat and their father, who was also in the boat, and followed Jesus.  And their obedience and sacrifice helped spread the Gospel.  Do we sense that same Holy Spirit inside our own soul calling us, drawing us to "Come and follow Jesus"?  The eternal future of people around the world is affected by the response that Christians make when they hear His voice.  In his simple hymn, Blandy shared several steps in the commitment to follow ... "I can hear my Savior calling"... "I'll go with Him all the way" ... "I'll go with Him through the garden" ... "I'll go with Him to dark Calvary" ... "I'll go with Him through the judgment".  Can you sing those words and really mean them?  Blandy concludes with the promise, "He will give me grace and glory, And go with me, with me, all the way".  What a precious promise and truth to those who respond to His call.  Is He calling you today?  Will you respond "Where He leads me I will follow"?

1.     I can hear my Savior calling,
I can hear my Savior calling,
I can hear my Savior calling,
"Take thy cross and follow, follow Me."
Where He leads me I will follow,
Where He leads me I will follow,
Where He leads me I will follow,
2.     I''ll go with Him, with Him all the way.
I'll go with Him through the waters,
I'll go with Him through the waters,
I'll go with Him through the waters,
I'll go with Him, with Him all the way. Refrain
3.     I'll go with Him through the garden,
I'll go with Him through the garden,
I'll go with Him through the garden,
I'll go with Him, with Him all the way. Refrain

4.    I'll go with Him to dark Calv'ry,
I'll go with Him to dark Calv'ry,
I'll go with Him to dark Calv'ry,
I'll go with Him, with Him all the way.  Refrain

5.    I'll go with Him to the judgment,
I'll go with Him to the judgment,
I'll go with Him to the judgment,
I'll go with Him, with Him all the way. Refrain

6.     He will give me grace and glory,
He will give me grace and glory,
He will give me grace and glory,
And go with me, with me all the way.  Refrain

Listen to it here.  I Can Hear

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