Sunday, June 10, 2018


          "The faithful love of the Lord never ends!  His mercies never cease.  Great is his faithfulness;  His mercies begin afresh each morning. (Lamentations 3:22,23)  What a joy to experience His mercies which are new every morning.  These mercies stirred Thomas Obediah Chisholm (1866-1960) to pen the words of this beautiful, but not well known hymn. His aim in writing was to incorporate as much of Scripture as possible and to avoid "sentimental" themes.  Al Smith's book, Hymn Histories, gives us interesting information about the writing of this hymn.  Smith wrote, "The old man (Thomas Chisholm) awoke to face another weary day. His wife had been seriously ill for a long time, and it was time to give her her medicine. But the bottle was empty, and he had no money for more. Thinking perhaps a little breakfast would lift her spirits, he returned to the kitchen. But the ice box was almost as empty as the pill bottle, and even buying groceries seemed beyond their means. Not only that, their rent was due that day.  A pretty bleak picture. But God knew the need even before they did. Nothing takes the Lord by surprise. He says, "I am God, and there is none like Me, declaring the end from the beginning, and from ancient times things that are not yet done" (Isa. 46:9-10). And "known to God from eternity are all His works" (Acts 15:18).  That is why He is able to work through our circumstances, providing in advance for our needs to be met when the time comes. ... Romans 8:28, "We know that all things work together for good to those who love God, and to those who are called according to His purpose."  Tom certainly believed that. He and his wife had come through many difficult times, though on this day in 1935 things seemed worse than usual. But see how the Lord was working!  Two days before, two men were attending to some necessary record-keeping for the Gideons Bible distribution ministry. They were going over the membership list for New Jersey. The policy was to remove anyone who had been contacted twice, but failed to send in the registration fee - five dollars in those days.  But just as Mr. Stam was about to cross off T. O. Chisholm, his friend said, "Jake, don't you know who that man is? Why, he's the fellow that wrote Great Is Thy Faithfulness." Saying that was his favorite hymn, Stam responded, "That sure is worth five dollars – I'll pay the brother's dues." However that was not to be the end of it. That night Stam had trouble sleeping. Tom Chisholm kept coming to his mind. Believing there might be a need there, he decided to send him a gift in the morning. Then the ringing of the phone at six roused him. It was his friend from the evening before. He had had the same experience in the night. Seeing this as the leading of the Lord, both men wrote checks, mailing them off with a note.   The next day – the day the burden of the Chisholm's meager finances struck with full force, he got that letter. At first, his heart sank to see the return address on the envelope, Jacob Stam, Attorney at Law! He thought, "All the trouble I'm in, and now an attorney is after me!"   But when he tore open the envelope he read, "Dear Brother, we have never met you, but we love you in the Lord. Thank you so much for Great Is Thy Faithfulness. Enclosed is a little something the Lord told us to send you." Mr. Chisholm was astonished to see that the "little something" covered not only the month's rent, and the cost of his wife's medicine, but provided enough to restock the pantry. It was at the suggestion of his wife that the hymn writer penned The Mercies of God, in celebration of God's amazing provision. Truly, "Great are Your tender mercies, O Lord!" (Ps. 119:156)."  Using Chisholm's words this week, remember the gift of God's daily mercies to you and thank Him for His faithfulness.

1.     The mercies of God! What a theme for my song,
Oh! I never could number them o'er;
They're more than the stars in the heavenly dome,
Or the sands of the wave beaten shore.
For mercies so great, what return can I make
For mercies so constant and sure?
I'll love Him, I'll serve Him with all that I have
As long as my life shall endure.

2.     They greet me at morn when I waken from sleep 
And they gladden my heart at the noon 
They follow me on into shades of the night 
when the day with its labor is done 
For mercies so great, what return can I make
For mercies so constant and sure?
I'll love Him, I'll serve Him with all that I have
As long as my life shall endure.

3.      His angels of mercy encompass me 'round,
Wheresoever my pathway may lead;
Each turn of the road some new token reveals
Oh! For me life is blessed indeed.
For mercies so great, what return can I make
For mercies so constant and sure?
I'll love Him, I'll serve Him with all that I have
As long as my life shall endure.

Listen to this hymn here.    


  1. Thank you for sharing this! We have not found many songs written on the mercies of God, and the history behind this one is a blessing as well. God bless!

  2. I was studying the mercy of God this morning in my devotions. This song came to mind and I had to look it up. What a blessing to read the story of how and why it was written. We have a merciful God!

    Jackie N.

  3. Sang this in church today to go along with my Thanksgiving message on Psalm 103:4-5
