Sunday, May 13, 2018


          My heart breaks when I hear of and see pictures of the devastation that so many folks suffer from storms - tornados, hurricanes, mud slides, floods, lightening strikes volcanos and so much more.  I just can't fully understand the tragedy they are going through.  Personally, I have been so very fortunate not to have gone through any of these, although we have had numerous tornados close to our home.  We have watched on television as the storms approach us and then thank the Lord as they pass by and miss us.  What a relief when the storm finally passes by.  But there are serious storms in life of other kinds that we all often must face.  Spiritual and emotional storms abound.  Illness, financial loss, family breakups, loss of jobs and so many other unexpected storms hit us so hard.  And I think those kinds of difficult storms may also be part of the focus of this week's choice, written by Mosie Lister in 1958.  He may have been inspired by the story of Jesus who was with His disciples  in a boat when a vicious storm hit them.  In Mark 4:39 we read, "And He arose, and rebuked the wind, and said unto the sea, Peace be still.  And the wind ceased and there was a great calm." The scared disciples were astonished and relieved when upon the command of Jesus, the storm passed by.  It is said that this hymn was actually written for Mahalia Jackson, but it never reached her. A friend asked Lister to write a song for Jackson who at that time was well known for her rendition of the song "He's Got the Whole World in His Hands". Lister said that because he grew up among minority groups, he had an idea about the background of Jackson and wanted to write a song that would be a prayer for a person who has undergone struggles in life.  The song was never given to her but it was written and many other people have actually been blessed by it.  Lister's hymn also echoes the promise of God to Israel in Isaiah 43:2: "When you pass through the waters, I will be with you; and through the rivers, they shall not overflow you. When you walk through the fire, you shall not be burned, nor shall the flame scorch you". The best part of this promise is that God not only said they would make it through, but that He would go with them! There was no fear of loneliness!  And that is also His promise to us today for Jesus has said that He would never leave us or forsake us. And He hasn't.  And He won't.  He will go with you through your storm.  He will hold you fast and let you stand in the hollow of His hand.  And one day He will take His children to that place where the long night has ended and the storms come no more. And we will stand with Him on that bright peaceful shore.  May that promise and truth be your encouragement as you experience His presence and peace while your storm passes by.

1.     In the dark of the midnight
have I oft hid my face
While the storm howls above me,
and there's no hiding place
'Mid the crash of the thunder, P
recious Lord, hear my cry
Keep me safe till the storm passes by
Till the storm passes over,
till the thunder sounds no more
Till the clouds roll forever from the sky
Hold me fast, let me stand in the hollow of Thy hand
Keep me safe till the storm passes by

2.     Many times Satan whispered,
"There is no need to try
For there's no end of sorrow,
there's no hope by and by"
But I know Thou art with me,
and tomorrow I'll rise
Where the storms never darken the skies
Till the storm passes over,
till the thunder sounds no more
Till the clouds roll forever from the sky
Hold me fast, let me stand in the hollow of Thy hand
Keep me safe till the storm passes by

3.     When the long night has ended
and the storms come no more
Let me stand in Thy presence
on the bright peaceful shore
In that land where the tempest,
never comes, Lord, may I
Dwell with Thee when the storm passes by
Till the storm passes over,
till the thunder sounds no more
Till the clouds roll forever from the sky
Hold me fast, let me stand in the hollow of Thy hand
Keep me safe till the storm passes by

Words and Music by Mosie Lister
copyright 1958

Listen to it here.   LISTEN

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