Sunday, January 14, 2018


          For centuries believers have looked for the return of the Lord and yet one day, maybe even soon, it will happen.  Jesus himself promised that He would come again to take us home with Him.  Over the years many have tried to set dates for this coming event, but they have all failed.  And that shouldn't surprise anybody for we are told that we won't know when His return will happen.  Mark 13:32 says, "But about that day or hour no one knows, not even the angels in heaven, nor the Son, but only the Father."  But yes, it could even be today - at morning, at noon or at night, at a time when we least expect it. Signs of the time are everywhere.  Our redemption does draw nigh.  Gordon Jensen knew the scripture and the promise of Jesus.   He knew the scripture, Luke 21:28, "And when these things begin to come to pass, then look up, and lift up your heads; for your redemption draweth nigh."  And that led him to write this week's song choice.  Gordon himself shared the story of the writing of "Redemption Draweth Nigh". He told of how he took the song to one of the biggest groups of that time period and the group didn't like the song and told him it wasn't the kind of song that people wanted to hear. Not giving up, he continued to pitch the song until it was finally recorded.  Duane Allen of the Oak Ridge Boys told Gordon that "Redemption Draweth Nigh" was the type of song that would be sung for years.  Well, that statement came true as most of the groups of the early 1970's recorded this gem.  Even now, groups still record and stage what is now Gordon Jensen's classic.  It is good Gordon didn't listen to the first group who shot the song down but continued to believe in what he wrote because look at all the countless listeners who have since heard this song in the decades that followed.  What a wonderful day it will be when Jesus comes again.  The return of Christ is "the blessed hope" of every believer (Titus 2:13). We eagerly "wait for His Son from heaven" (I Thessalonians 1:10). Perhaps He'll come today. What a tremendous way that would be to start a new year.  I trust that you count yourself among those who "love His appearing" (II Timothy 4:8).   For the Christian, this is an exciting and energizing prospect, long anticipated - Jesus is coming again. Are you ready should it be today?  "Keep your eyes upon the eastern sky. Lift up your heads, redemption draweth nigh!"

1.     Years of time have come and gone
Since I first heard it told,
How Jesus would come again someday.
If back then it seemed so real,
Then I just can't help but feel
How much closer his coming is today.
Signs of the times are everywhere.
There's a brand new feeling in the air.
Keep your eyes upon the eastern sky,
Life up your heads, redemption draweth nigh!

2.   Wars and strife on every hand
And violence fills our land,
Still some people doubt he'll come again.
But the Word of God is true,
He'll redeem his chosen few.
Don't lose hope, soon Christ Jesus will descend.
Signs of the times are everywhere.
There's a brand new feeling in the air.
Keep your eyes upon the eastern sky,
Life up your heads, redemption draweth nigh!

Listen to it here.   LISTEN

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