Sunday, September 24, 2017


          Sometimes life can be very hard. Difficult trials and problems can hit us so suddenly.  Often they are physical challenges that come so unexpectedly.  Sometimes financial downturns and losses overwhelm us.  Relationship problems can be draining and so difficult to deal with.  Now in this age we can add the fear of terrorism which can strike almost anywhere and at any time. We live turbulent lives and there is little earthly protection from these storms and blasts.  Today people yearn for peace and rest.  But, there is only one true source of peace and that is in the true Rock, Christ Jesus. "These things have I spoken unto you, that in Me ye might have peace" (John 16.33). This week's hymn choice speaks of a longing for peace. Stanza one says that we can have safety.  Stanza two says that we can have rest. Stanza three says that we can have love, while stanza four says that we can have security. We can have all of these only by resting in the blessed Rock of Ages. These words were written in 1875 by Mary Dagworthy Yard James (1810-1883).  Born in Trenton, NJ, she joined the Methodist church at age 10, married in 1834, and had a son who became a minister. Back when she was 13 years old, James began teaching Sunday school in the Methodist Episcopal church. She became a prominent figure in the Wesleyan Holiness movement, often leading meetings at Ocean Grove, New Jersey, and elsewhere. She wrote about 50 hymns.   Now I have not been able to find out what led her to pen these particular words, but I would assume, like most of us, she faced some very difficult storms in her life.  Possibly this is her testimony of the peace that she received when she hid her life in the rifted rock, Christ Jesus.  Many other familiar hymns share this same theme ... He hideth my soul in the cleft of the Rock ... On Christ the solid Rock I stand ... Rock of Ages, cleft for me ... O safe to the Rock that is higher than I ... Jesus is the Rock of my salvation.  These are just a few that express the same picture of experiencing Christ's peace and safety.  There is no better foundation to build our lives upon. Hopefully the words of this hymn will encourage you as this week you face the challenges and storms of life.  Flee to the Rock for peace and protection.  In times of stress and difficulty we need to be reminded of the blessings that we can have when in the Rifted Rock we are "sweetly resting."

1.    In the rifted rock I'm resting,
Safely sheltered I abide;
There no foes nor storms molest me,
While within the cleft I hide.
Now I'm resting, sweetly resting,
In the cleft once made for me;
Jesus, blessed Rock of Ages,
I will hide myself in Thee.

2.    Long pursued by sin and Satan,
Weary, sad, I longed for rest;
Then I found this heav'nly shelter
Opened in my Savior's breast.
Now I'm resting, sweetly resting,
In the cleft once made for me;
Jesus, blessed Rock of Ages,
I will hide myself in Thee.

3.     Peace which passeth understanding,
Joy the world can never give,
Now in Jesus I am finding,
In His smiles of love I live.
Now I'm resting, sweetly resting,
In the cleft once made for me;
Jesus, blessed Rock of Ages,
I will hide myself in Thee.

4.    In the rifted rock I'll hide me,
Till the storms of life are past;
All secure in this blest refuge,
Heeding not the fiercest blast.
Now I'm resting, sweetly resting,
In the cleft once made for me;
Jesus, blessed Rock of Ages,
I will hide myself in Thee.

You can listen to it here.   LISTEN

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