Sunday, July 9, 2017


          What would you be willing to do to draw closer to God? Would you be willing to go through the darkest valley you have ever faced in order to know Him more than you do today? Would you be willing to give up your most prized possession in efforts to have a closer walk with God? What about "giving up" your dreams?  Are you really willing to do whatever it takes to become more like Him?  If you are like me, so often we sings songs without really thinking about the words we are singing.  This is especially true of songs of consecration, such as this week's choice by Lanny Wolfe.  But it is a very serious thing to tell the Lord, even through our singing, that we are willing to bear whatever He feels we need to draw closer to Him and to be like Him.  Years ago I had a good friend who battled the habit of smoking.  He tried everything he could to break the habit but he wasn't able to do so.  Then one day after much frustration he told the Lord that he couldn't do it himself and that the Lord should  do whatever He needed to do to take this habit from him.  He desparately desired to be free from this habit which was hindering his walk with the Lord.  A few hours later he had a major heart attack.  The Lord spared his life and he never smoked again.  I believe Gid heard his cry and answered.  I've often heard about fox-hole conversions during war and I've often wondered what happened to these promises after the war was over.  We all should have the desire to draw closer to the Lord and to walk with Him.  But sometimes that means enduring persecution and sickness and a variety of challenges.  In 2 Timothy we are told that we are soldiers in the middle of a spiritual battle.  And what do good soldiers do?  They endure hardness for a specific purpose and they trust and follow their leader.  The beauty of this is that our leader, the Lord Jesus Christ, will never leave us in the fiercest of battles. He will be there with us. We can trust Him fully for He knows all of our ways.  And we can safely say "whatever it takes to draw closer, Lord, that's what I'll be willing to do."  May that be our desire.  Lord, change us, mould us and make us into the image of the Lord Jesus Christ.  May we lose all desire for our will, but give us your desires and your will.  We place our whole life in your hands.

1.     There's a voice calling me 
from an old rugged tree,
And it whispers "Draw closer to Me.
Leave your world far behind
There are new heights to climb,
And a new life in Me you will find.
For whatever it takes to draw closer to You, Lord
That's what I'll be willing to do.
And whatever it takes to be more like You,
That's what I'll be willing to do.

2.     Take the dearest things to me
If that's how it must be
To draw me closer to thee
Let the disappointments come
Lonely days without the sun
If through sorrow more like you I become
For whatever it takes to draw closer to You, Lord
That's what I'll be willing to do
And whatever it takes to be more like You
That's what I'll be willing to do

3.     Take my houses and lands,
Take my dreams and my plans.
I place my whole life in Your hands.
And if You call me someday,
To a land far away,
Lord, I'll go and Your will obey
For whatever it takes to draw closer to You, Lord
That's what I'll be willing to do
And whatever it takes to be more like You
That's what I'll be willing to do


I'll trade sunshine for rain, comfort for pain
That's what I'll be willing to do
For whatever it takes for my will to break
That's what I'll be willing to do
And whatever it takes to be more like You
That's what I'll be willing to do

Listen to it here, sung by a girl's trio.  LISTEN

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