Sunday, April 16, 2017


        Most of us have significant events that have happened in our lifetime and we recall exactly where we were when they happened.  For me it is the assassination of President Kennedy, man's first step on the moon, and the events of 9-11.  But there are personal events which also are significant in our lives - our graduations, our wedding and the weddings of our children, the births of our children and grandchildren, and deaths of loved ones.  For me these events also include meeting President Reagan on the White House Lawn.  But for every believer the most important event was the time that we placed our personal faith in the work of Jesus Christ and we became transformed and forgiven, a new creation.  A new life began that day.  "You He made alive, who were dead in trespasses and sins" (Ephesians 2:1; Romans 6:23).  We went from being under condemnation, to being delivered from condemnation. "There is … no condemnation to those who are in Christ Jesus" (Romans 8:1).   And this was recognized by pastor and hymn writer Albert Simpson Reitz (1879-1966) in 1918 when he penned the words of this gospel song.  It was one of over 100 Gospel songs that he wrote in his lifetime.  This song celebrates the changes that occurred on that glorious day and the joy that resulted from becoming a member of God's family.  It notes that He buried our sins in the deepest sea and He filled our soul with joy and victory.  And the song also includes celebrating the joy that we will experience that day when we meet in glory and through endless ages tell the story of our Savior's redeeming love.  What a great day that will be.  Hopefully, you, too, have experienced this transformation and the joy of that reality.  Hopefully, you, too, can testify that it was a glad day!  And, if you have experienced this, then you, too, can look forward to that grand day when we shall meet around His throne.  There you will join me in shouting a glad hosanna when we see Him upon His throne.

(1)     I was lost in sin when Jesus found me,
But He rescued me, all glory to His name!
And the cords of worldly pleasure bound me,
Till He saved me from sin and shame.
'Twas a glad day when Jesus found me,
When His strong arms were thrown around me;
When my sins He buried in the deepest sea,
And my soul He filled with joy and victory.
'Twas a glad day, O hallelujah!
'Twas a glad day He claimed His own.
I will shout a glad hosanna in glory
When I see Him upon His throne.

(2)     O the bells of Heaven now are ringing,
For I hear their tones within my ransomed soul;
And my heart is filled with joyful singing
Since the Savior has made me whole.
'Twas a glad day when Jesus found me,
When His strong arms were thrown around me;
When my sins He buried in the deepest sea,
And my soul He filled with joy and victory.
'Twas a glad day, O hallelujah!
'Twas a glad day He claimed His own.
I will shout a glad hosanna in glory
When I see Him upon His throne.

(3)     O the joy when we shall meet in glory,
In the mansions of my Father's home above;
And through endless ages tell the story
Of the Savior's redeeming love.
'Twas a glad day when Jesus found me,
When His strong arms were thrown around me;
When my sins He buried in the deepest sea,
And my soul He filled with joy and victory.
'Twas a glad day, O hallelujah!
'Twas a glad day He claimed His own.
I will shout a glad hosanna in glory
When I see Him upon His throne.

I could not find a vocal video of this song, but here is a piano rendition for you to listen to.    LISTEN

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