Sunday, April 2, 2017


 TIMELESS HYMN #4 - Another revised and repeated blog of one of the great timeless hymns of the faith.

          As we approach the Easter season I have decided to choose for this month's Timeless Hymn one of my favorite hymns, Calvary Covers It All.  This was first shared in this blog on April 5, 2009.  This hymn reminds me of what Christ has done for me at Calvary.  There He suffered for me, carrying upon Him all my past, all my sin and guilt and despair.  Calvary does cover it all.  And because of that great sacrifice, I am forgiven and one day I "shall be His in the glory on high; Where with gladness and song, I'll be one of the throng."  Now I could not find much about the author, Ethel Taylor, who passed away in 1950. This song was apparently written by her in 1934.  However, since my original blog in 2009, I have come across a story about how it was written.  Following are parts of that story from Al Smith's Hymn Histories (pages 125-127).
          "The song relates to a dancer named Walter "Happy Mac" MacDonald, whom comedian Eddie Cantor said had the fastest feet in the world. Mac was talented, but he was also in bondage to sin, and addicted to alcohol. One night in the early 1930's he stumbled into a meeting in the Pacific Garden Mission, in Chicago. When an invitation was given  ... Mac did not respond. But, as he returned, night after night, workers gradually came to know more about him.   Directing the mission in those days (1918-1936) were Walter Grand Taylor and his wife Ethel affectionately known as Pa and Ma Taylor. Ethel Taylor watched Mac, and her heart went out to him. She prayed, "Dear Lord, please help us say and do the right things, so that we may win Mac to Thee." Finally, MacDonald did seek counseling, and Ma Taylor listened as he struggled with his past. "You don't understand," he prayed. "You don't know how bad I am, Lord. Really I'm the worst man in the world. You can't save me; I'm too bad."   Mrs. Taylor recalled a message she had heard weeks before. Evangelist Percy Crawford had been a rebel in his youth ...  The theme of Crawford's testimony was, "Calvary covers it all," and Ethel Taylor shared those words with MacDonald.   He asked her to repeat them, and suddenly the light dawned. "Oh! Mrs. Taylor, I'm so glad it's true, and you told me. Calvary does cover it all! My whole past of sin and shame." The former entertainer trusted in the Saviour that night in 1934, and lived to become an outstanding servant of Christ.   A few days later, Ethel Taylor went into the mission chapel, sat down at the piano, and created the words and music of a gospel song."

          Truly, as many have found over the years, Calvary does cover all of our dark past and sinfulness.  Every stain is washed away.  Every mark of shame is erased through the blood of Jesus Christ. We are forgiven. Have you accepted this wonderful gift that Christ has provided for you?  There is nothing about your past that isn't covered by what Christ did for you at Calvary.  Don't put off this life-changing decision any longer.

(1)  Far dearer than all that the world can impart
Was the message that came to my heart.
How that Jesus alone for my sin did atone,
And Calvary covers it all.
Calvary covers it all,
My past with its sin and stain;
My guilt and despair
Jesus took on Him there,
And Calvary covers it all.

(2)  The stripes that He bore and the thorns that He wore
Told His mercy and love ever more
And my heart bowed in shame as I called on His name,
And Calvary covers it all.
Calvary covers it all,
My past with its sin and stain;
My guilt and despair
Jesus took on Him there,
And Calvary covers it all.

(3)  How matchless the grace, when I looked in the face
Of this Jesus, my crucified Lord;
My redemption complete I then found at His feet,
And Calvary covers it all.
Calvary covers it all,
My past with its sin and stain;
My guilt and despair
Jesus took on Him there,
And Calvary covers it all.

(4)  How blessed the thought, that my soul by Him bought,
Shall be His in the glory on high;
Where with gladness and song, I'll be one of the throng
And Calvary covers it all.
Calvary covers it all,
My past with its sin and stain;
My guilt and despair
Jesus took on Him there,
And Calvary covers it all.

Here are two choices to listen to this hymn.
LISTEN 1 - A male quartet
LISTEN 2 - Soloist Dave Boyer

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