Sunday, March 19, 2017


        I recently read that 70% of workers don't like their jobs.  Another source said two out of three dislike what they are doing. One survey showed that only 13% actually enjoyed their work.  I guess I am surprised since I was blessed to enjoy my job for 39 years and I found it difficult when it was time to retire. However, I worked with many folks who did not enjoy their job and found no joy in what they were doing, except maybe for their paycheck.  I can't help but wonder what the percentages might be for Christian employees.  We are reminded in Colossians 3:23 that whatever we do should be done with our whole heart to please the Lord, not just others.   But there is another area of life that should bring joy for all believers and that is in our service for the Lord.  What a privilege we have to serve the Lord, the Creator of the Universe, our Savior.  He could have chosen other ways to share the amazing gospel - He could have written it in the clouds or had the wind ring out the good news or use another aspect of His creation - but He chose us, His children, to carry the message and minister for Him.  Now serving the Lord can carry challenges and is not always easy, but He is there to guide us and strengthen us and encourage us and walk with us.  He understands and has experienced challenges - "who for the joy that was set before Him endured the cross" (Hebrews. 12:2).  What a joy it should be to serve Him.  Preacher, author, and missionary statesman, Dr. Oswald J. Smith was for many years the pastor of the People's Church, in Toronto.  He is the one who penned the words of this week's hymn.  In a sense it began as the personal testimony of Dr. Smith. He says, "In this hymn I express the joy that I have experienced in serving the Lord Jesus Christ." But that is a joy that every servant of God can share. The Apostle Paul desired to "finish [his] race [his life and served for Christ] with joy" (Acts 20:24) In spite of burdens and heartaches, in spite of challenges and difficulties, it should be our great delight to serve the King of kings. We are to "serve the Lord with gladness [joy, pleasure]" (Ps. 100:2)."  And Dr. Smith did serve the Lord with joy until he was taken home at the age of 97.  During the period of 1930 to 1958, he collaborated with B. D. Ackley in the writing of nearly a hundred gospel songs. It was a happy and productive pairing. And the very first song they created together was this one, Joy in Serving Jesus. When it was published, in 1931, Mr. Ackley predicted, in a letter to Pastor Smith, "I know it is a winner. A writer usually has a hunch when he writes something that he knows positively will go over." He was right. The song was enthusiastically embraced by the Christian community.  Ackley himself composed more than 3000 tunes. As the one who penned these words, Dr. Smith, found the secret that finding what Jesus would have you do lifts your own burdens and brings great joy.  He writes about that secret in the fourth verse.  He knew, too, that the joy that Jesus gives never fades.  The last line of the chorus says, "There is joy, joy, joy that never shall depart." Dr. Smith had a real experience.  He was not writing about doctrine he'd picked up somewhere.  "Joy that throbs within my heart" doesn't come from what he knew, it comes from what he lived.  Joy is not a product of looking at my circumstances. Joy is the product of my relationship with Jesus Christ. And that might be the reason for lack of joy today - focusing more time and energy upon our circumstances than upon our relationship. Are you experiencing joy in your relationship and walk with the Lord?  Do you rejoice in the fact that the Lord has chosen you to represent Him here on earth?  If that joy appears to be missing, meditate upon these words this week, and then pray,  "Lord, restore to me the joy of ministry; the joy of serving You. Restore to me the joy of sharing Your love and Your Word with others!"  And He will answer.

(1)     There is joy in serving Jesus
As I journey on my way
Joy that fills my heart with praises
Every hour and every day
There is joy, joy
Joy in serving Jesus 
Joy that throbs within my heart
Every moment, every hour
As I draw upon His power
There is joy, joy
Joy that never shall depart

(2)     There is joy in serving Jesus
Joy; that triumphs over pain
Fills my heart with heaven's music
Till I join the glad refrain
There is joy, joy
Joy in serving Jesus 
Joy that throbs within my heart
Every moment, every hour
As I draw upon His power
There is joy, joy
Joy that never shall depart

(3)     There is joy in serving Jesus
As I walk alone with God
'Tis the joy of Christ my Savior
Who the path of suffering trod
There is joy, joy
Joy in serving Jesus 
Joy that throbs within my heart
Every moment, every hour
As I draw upon His power
There is joy, joy
Joy that never shall depart

(4)     There is joy in serving Jesus
Joy amid the darkest night
For I've learned the wondrous secret
And I'm walking in the light
There is joy, joy
Joy in serving Jesus 
Joy that throbs within my heart
Every moment, every hour
As I draw upon His power
There is joy, joy
Joy that never shall depart

Listen to it here.   LISTEN


  1. Praising and thanking Jesus our Saviour for your service Sir! Your posts are always a wonderful blessing

  2. I learned this "anthem of praise" as a student in BJU way back when, I haven't heard it in a long time. Today I awoke with such a well-spring of joyin my heart that I Googled it and was directed to your blog, Thank our Lord Jesus Christ for directing you to include the text of this marvelous song!

  3. This morning I was reminded of Psalm 16 and that in the presence of God is fullness of I read it out loud,the Lord brought this song back to me. I'm so grateful for the hymns that are part of my DNA thanks to my parents having me in a solid bible-teaching singing church! Thanks for sharing this.
