Sunday, February 12, 2017


          Two Christmas cards that we received this year brought us unexpected sad messages sharing with us the death of spouses.  One came from a new widow in Minnesota whose husband had a massive heart attack while shoveling snow and he couldn't be revived.  The other was from a friend in his nineties telling us that his wife had passed away a few months ago.  And in both messages you could sense the deep feelings of loneliness which they were now facing.  We have numerous friends who are going through the same battle.  The death of a spouse can be devastating.  And the lonely days and nights must be horrendous to endure.  But loneliness is not limited just to those who have lost spouses.  One can be lonely in a crowd.  It has been estimated that approximately 60 million people in the United States, or 20% of the total population, feel lonely. Another study found that 12% of Americans have no one with whom to spend free time or to discuss important matters.  Other research suggests that this rate has been increasing over time.  Loneliness is a serious, wide spread problem.  And maybe that is why Audrey Mieir (1916-1966) chose this theme to write today's song choice.  Mieir was born in Leechburg, Pennsylvania but moved to Los Angeles.  She had been a church pianist before leaving elementary school and later she began writing songs and conducting choirs. She formed the inspirational Harmony Chorus in the early 1950's and ministered with composer and evangelist Phil Kerr in the popular Southern California Monday Musicals. Mieir wrote more than 1,000 songs, most of them gospel music.  One of Audrey's compositions that has led many a congregation and radio-TV audience to the very throne of God is "His Name is Wonderful."  Along with her musical ministry, Audrey helped found two orphanages in Korea, bringing many Korean children to the United States for adoption. Two of these, Liane and Mark, were adopted by Audrey and her husband, Charles, as siblings for their son Mike.  Now her song that we feature this week is based upon the promise of Jesus that he will never leave us or forsake us.  He is a friend that sticks closer than a brother.  He tells us to cast all of our care upon Him for He cares for us.  I especially love the message of Isaiah 41:13, " I am the LORD, your God, who takes hold of your right hand and says to you, Do not fear, I will help you."   And there is also Isaiah 41:10 which says, "So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God."  And He always keep His promises.  Now I must admit that I do have a slight problem with her words that  say I'll never be lonely again, never again.  And I don't think these fears are foolish.  I think there are times, especially after the loss of a loved one, that we will still battle with loneliness. Those who tell you otherwise have probably never themselves been there.   But the truth is that when we are a child of God, we do have His presence and comfort and promises to care and to be with us.  And we need to claim that truth and hope.   So if you are dealing with loneliness recognize that He is there and that He will never fail or leave you.  Let this song be a reminder of this when you are lonely and discouraged.  Claim His promises and rest in Him.  

1.     Lonely days and lonely nights,
Filled with despair,
Caused me to long for
Someone to care;
Then I heard Christ say to me;
"This promise I've made:
Lo! I am with you
Now and forever,
Be not afraid."

I'll never be lonely again,
Never again,
For I have opened
My heart's door to Him.
So I'll brush away the tears
And forget my
Foolish fears
I'll never be lonely again,
Never again.

2.     If you're longing for a friend,
Loving and true,
Turn to the Savior
He waits for you;
He will do the same for you
As He did for me;
He'll never leave you,
Never forsake you,
Trust Him and see.

I'll never be lonely again,
Never again,
For I have opened
My heart's door to Him.
So I'll brush away the tears
And forget my
Foolish fears
I'll never be lonely again,
Never again.

Listen to it here.    LISTEN

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