Sunday, May 1, 2016


       For many years I have enjoyed walking. While lately most of it has been in malls or in our church, because of my physical limitations, I have especially enjoyed times of walking on nature paths or around town, especially in my hometown of Lititz.  And most of my walks have been with Jesus.  Now not physically, as exciting as that would be, but spiritually as I talk to him in prayer.  And those times together are very special times.  Actually the Bible often talks about our need to walk with Him throughout our lives.   Micah 6:8, "What does the Lord require of you?  To walk justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God."  And this week's hymn choice by William Gladden (1836-1918) is a prayer talking about this daily walk. In verse one, we ask for for the privilege of walking with Christ "in lowly paths of service." We want to understand the "secret" of how we, as we serve Christ and others, can "bear the strain of toil, the fret of care."  In stanza two, we ask for sensitivity toward "the slow of heart", those who do not recognize the wisdom offered by the Master. We ask to be taught how to guide those with "wayward feet" along "the homeward way."   The third verse turns inward, as we request to be taught "thy patience" so that we may dwell with Christ "in closer, dearer company." Our labor will maintain a "faith [that is] sweet and strong" and our "trust" in the Master will help us "triumph over wrong." In the final stanza, we look "far down the future's broadening way" with "hope" and therefore have "peace" that only the Master "canst give" when we dwell with him. This hymn was published in 1879 in three eight-line stanzas in Sunday Afternoon, a magazine prepared by the author, under the title "Walking with God."  But over the years it has been changed to its present form of four verses and paired with the Victorian tune Maryton.  The author, Washington Gladden, was actually a controversial 19th century clergyman of the Congregational Church.  He was a preacher unafraid of a good fight.  For a period of time, he served as editor of the New York Independent newspaper, and his editorials were credited with starting the investigation that sent the notorious Boss Tweed to jail.  Gladden was especially interested in labor disputes, and got involved in a number of strikes, not to encourage them, but to negotiate peaceful settlements. He sparked controversy when he opposed the acceptance of a $100,000 donation to his denomination by John D. Rockefeller.  "Tainted money," he called it, because of Rockefeller's business policies.  But throughout his ministry he emphasized applying the gospel to life in America.  And there has been no controversy associated with Gladden's hymn which  expresses in simple language what we all feel, a need to walk with God, to feel God's presence and to have Him help us through the tough struggles of life.  Make this your prayer this week as you meditate on these words and as you walk with Him. . Just like the hymn, make your reaction and conclusion be "With Thee, O Master, let me live."

1.     O Master, let me walk with Thee,
In lowly paths of service free;
Tell me Thy secret; help me bear
The strain of toil, the fret of care.

2.     Help me the slow of heart to move,
By some clear, winning word of love;
Teach me the wayward feet to stay,
And guide them in the homeward way.

3.     Teach me Thy patience; still with Thee
In closer, dearer, company,
In work that keeps faith sweet and strong,
In trust that triumphs over wrong.

4.     In hope that sends a shining ray
Far down the future’s broadening way,
In peace that only Thou canst give,

With Thee, O Master, let me live.

You can listen to it here.   LISTEN

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